Jessie Woo Gives an Update on Attacker + Chinese Kitty Claps Back at Victim Blamers

jessie woo love and hip hop
Photo Credit: VH1

The Me Too Movement has given a lot of people courage to call out their abusers.

On the most recent episode of LHHMIA, Jessie Woo revealed that she was raped by someone in the music industry.

It’s caused her to have issues trusting other men in the business.

While she didn’t reveal the person responsible, she did say that the person went on to become successful and even win Grammys.

Interestingly enough, Jessie took to Instagram to tell followers that she’s been working with officers to get justice.

Check out the post below.


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I wanna thank the Head Seeester in Charge @TRINArockstarr ☝? thank you for letting me bare my heart to you, it’s still crazy to me that I was blessed to have that conversation with you ❤️ My seeesters @joyyoung305 and @_chinesekitty thank you for comforting me, being there for me… ❤️ I also want to thank @taranajaneen for the amazing work that she is doing everyday. ??You’re ministering to and freeing many people☝? #MeToo⁠ ⁠isn’t just a movement, this is your God appointed ministry @taranajaneen ❤️ continue to let God use you ?? Last summer, one of the men responsible for my assault made the news. Several women in the industry started coming forward with their stories of sexual assault and their stories mirrored mine. I thought I was the only one ? for years. ☝? I’m happy to say that I’m working with the LAPD to help over a dozen other women put him and possibly his accomplices behind bars‼️ I look forward to seeking justice for these women because one win is a win for us all #SeeesterHood ❤️?? #JessieWoo #LHHMIA

A post shared by ???Your Seeester-In-Chief ??? (@thejessiewoo) on

And Chinese Kitty took to Instagram to call out some of the ignorance.

Apparently some feel like it’s her fault that she was raped.

Check out the video below.


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Any man that feels that way should never have a daughter.

A post shared by Taylor Hing (@_chinesekitty) on

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