Charmaine and Lilly’s fight will be a big topic on Wednesday’s “Black Ink Crew Chicago.”
But before the episode airs, Charmaine’s is set to not only tell her story but is pushing really hard to have Lily removed from the show entirely.
Charmaine feels Lily’s been given way too-much leeway in her use of the N-word, disrespecting her, her boyfriend Neek Bey and the rest of the cast.
In a series of tweets, Charmaine details how she asked lily on two separate occasions to stop using the N-word. However, Charmaine’s request went unanswered.
Next, Charmaine tells of how she’s not only called a “white girl” by Lily, she called Neek Bey the N-word while on their trip to Miami which sent Charmaine over the edge.