On the season finale of “Friends And Family Hustle,” TI and the family attempt to get back on track after the major controversy involving his comments about Deyjah. Deyjah wasn’t ready to talk about it, so they didn’t see each other for weeks. However, after they finally have the conversation they need to have, they take baby steps to repair their relationship. And Deyjah just wants to stay out of the spotlight for a while.
Monica is looking forward to the new chapter of her life. Now that she’s single, she wants to focus on her music. So she has people come out to the studio and hear some tracks. She’s even been rapping under her alter ego, Bands. And she gets good feedback about her music.
Now that therapy has gotten LeToya and Tommi back in a good place, they are now ready to have another baby. So they take the necessary steps to put everything in motion.
Red and Toya have some exciting news of their own. Red decides it’s time to pop the question. Of course, he decides to do it in a major way. However, his plans are nearly ruined thanks to a certain text message.
But things work out perfectly. And the big day is a very emotional one for Toya considering she didn’t think she would ever get married again.
Here’s a recap for, “The Big Surprise.”
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