Bow Wow and Angela have questioned their future together.
Angela Simmons and Bow Wow have been open about their relationship on “Growing Up Hip Hop.” In fact, Angela said that Bow Wow broke her heart when they dated years ago. He wasn’t ready to settle down. So when things didn’t work out, Angela was disappointed. However, the former couple was able to remain friends. And they are very close to this day.
So they even discussed possibly getting married if they couldn’t find love elsewhere.
On “Growing Up Hip Hop Atlanta,” Bow Wow said, “We gon make a contract…me and you gonna make a contract. And guess what this contract gon be?”
When Angela asked him what the contract is, he said, “If your a*s ain’t married by 36, we just gon get married and have a kid. Like this is it.”
And on the latest season of GUHH, they actually discussed where they stood as well. Angela said, “Whether we do or don’t date, there’s no point in tarnishing our relationship as friends. And I feel like that’s more important than anything else. It’s like true genuine friendship.”
Bow Wow said there’s nothing there with Angela.
As for Bow Wow, he recently told fans that there was nothing romantic going on between them. In fact, Angela wasn’t even thinking about him in that way. And he would prefer to continue to enjoy the bachelor life.
Despite this, some people still wondered how Bow Wow felt about it being confirmed that Angela Simmons is dating boxer Daniel Jacobs. So he addressed this recently on social media.
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