Heavenly explained Mariah’s removal from the show.
“Married to Medicine” star Dr. Heavenly Kimes has never been one to mince words. So when Carlos King asked her about Mariah Huq during an interview, Heavenly had plenty to say.
In regards to Mariah being fired from the show, Heavenly said, “My thing with Mariah is she’s done some lowdown stuff to the doctors and I’m not gonna say what it is, some of y’all know what it is out there and some of y’all don’t. She’s threatened my license and she goes too f*cking deep. You know what I’m saying? We got jobs. I mean, it does go too far sometimes but ain’t nobody trying to take your livelihood and that’s why don’t nobody wanna film with her ie. why she’s not back this season.”
Quad may have also been fired and a tracker was put on Damon’s car.
Carlos then brought up Quad Webb. He asked, “So you’re filming the new season of ‘Married to Medicine.’ Is Mariah and Quad back this season?”
Heavenly said, “No, I am not going to answer that question. No. The answer is no…the answer is no they not back and no I’m not answering that question. Two no’s.”
She added, “You know what? Mariah went too far. Did you know that Damon had a tracker on his f*cking car after the reunion? And I didn’t put the mothertucker there. That’s tea. So we can’t do that kind of stuff.”
Heavenly went on to say she has no proof Mariah put the tracker on Dr. Damon Kimes’ car, “And I can’t prove that. She was looking for receipts. She said she was gon get em before the reunion. I guess she didn’t get em.”
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