RHOP Recap: Ashley & Wendy Clash + Karen Confronts Wendy for Past Comments

rhop season 5 episode 5
Photo Credit: Bravo

Candiace is hesitant about the lake house trip.

While at home, Candiace is looking at houses on the internet. She takes a break to talk to Chris about Karen’s housewarming party. They talk about her conversation with Gizelle as well. Candiace confirms she apologized for the Twitter jabs but Gizelle was also upset Candiace called her “Gizelle Monster” while talking to Wendy. Plus, Candiace informs Chris about Monique inviting all the women to her lake house.

This isn’t something Candiace wants to do. And she’s “really good” on Monique at this point. But Chris tells her he thinks it would actually be a good trip.

Michael tells Ashley she has to take the baby with her.

As Ashley is packing for the lake house trip, Michael tells her that she should be with the baby while Dean’s so young. Plus, the trip is for three days. So bringing Dean is something she needs to do.

On the day of the lake house trip, Gizelle is the first to arrive at Monique’s house. Karen is next. Both women aren’t thrilled about Monique’s bird T’Challa coming with them. All three ladies will ride together to the lake house.

While in the car, Monique and Gizelle tell Karen that Wendy said she doubts Karen is still sleeping with Ray. This offends Karen and she says Wendy doesn’t know her so she can’t speak on her sex life.

Wendy isn’t feeling Dean being on the trip.

Robyn arrives at the lake house not too long after Monique gets there with Gizelle and Karen. She takes them to the guest house after they see the lake house in its entirety. Gizelle and Robyn decide to stay in the guest house since it has two bedrooms. Candiace pulls up last. In a green screen interview, Candiace says she’s hurt by how Monique has been treating her. But she still wants to have a good time.

When Wendy arrives, she’s irritated to hear that Ashley is bringing Baby Dean with her. She doesn’t understand why someone would bring their baby on a girls trip. Plus, she doesn’t get why she couldn’t bring her daughter.

While Wendy was talking, T’Challa flies at her. She freaks out and screams.

Ashley and Wendy clash.

When Ashley arrives, Wendy immediately makes her disproval known about Ashley bringing Baby Dean. After Ashley says she had to bring Dean because Michael is working and owns his own business, this further irritates Wendy. She talks about all the sacrifices she had to make and how she has no sympathy for Ashley being a new mom. This leads to an argument and Monique calms them down. She says she’s the one who offered to let Ashley use her nursery because Ashley didn’t want to be without him.

Afterward, Monique checks in with Wendy. She wants to make sure she’s okay after the blow up with Ashley. Wendy says she just felt like Ashley bringing her son was a “cheat sheet” considering all the sacrifices Wendy made to show up without her daughter. Monique tells her that she would have made the same accommodations for Wendy had she known Wendy wanted her daughter to be there too. But Wendy may need to work on her delivery because the heated exchange with Ashley seemed unnecessary.

Candiace makes things right with Gizelle.

Later on, Candiace gets on the golf cart and drives to the guesthouse to apologize to Gizelle for the jabs she threw on social media. She realizes she went too far when she came for Gizelle’s new house. Gizelle forgives her and says that this apology actually seems genuine.

The women have dinner and ask each other questions. After Candiace talks about being one of the only brown girls at her school, Gizelle asks her if that’s why she got a nose job. Candiace denies getting a nose job and Gizelle says she thought that was common knowledge.

Karen confronts Wendy.

Karen asks Gizelle why she would get back with Jamal after he cheated on her. In a green screen interview, she says this is weird since Jamal had babies with multiple people in the congregation. But Gizelle says that she’s past that because this happened 12 years ago.

Some point, later on, Karen asks Wendy if she has something she wants to talk about since she’s hearing that Wendy has been discussing her sex life with Ray. And it was Monique and Gizelle who told her. Karen says she doesn’t know Wendy like that despite them being on the board of the same organization. In a green screen interview, Wendy says this really bothers her. But she agrees to go to dinner with Karen so they can get to know each other.

Wendy and Ashley have another blowup.

Not too long after, Ashley confronts Wendy. She says Wendy was ferocious towards her. And while Wendy admits that she acted out of frustration for not having her daughter with her, she doesn’t feel she owes Ashley an apology. Ashley says this is why Wendy doesn’t have friends. And Wendy says she doesn’t deal with “fake b*tches” like Ashley. An argument ensues between them and the episode ends on a cliffhanger after Wendy says Ashley must address her as “Dr. Wendy.”

What are your thoughts on the episode?


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