Tee Tee and Shawn are in a good place.
Shawn and Tee tee are working out together. It’s the first time they’re seen since their counseling session and they are in a good place in their relationship. However, stress about Shawn turned to stress about her relationship with her family, including Egypt.
As they’re working out, they talk about how they first met. Shawn says he never had a serious relationship until he met Tahira.
They end their workout with a kiss.
Angela and Daniel broke up?
Angela’s back in LA and her assistant and friend Katrina is over. Angela’s happy to be away from Miami. This is because things aren’t going well in her relationship with Daniel. She’s frustrated about people speculating about the relationship on the internet. She deleted photos off her Instagram and unfollowed Daniel. Katrina says these moves made the relationship drama public.
Angela voices her frustration as she wants to get married someday and this was her first serious relationship since Sutton. The conversation brings out tears from both of them. Katrina tells Angela she’s not judging her. She just wants the best for Angela.
Cree tells Vanessa about Egypt’s rumor about Tee Tee.
The next day, Cree sets up a day of pampering for the ladies. Tanice and Vanessa show up first, pour a glass of wine, and jump right to the pedicures. Angela will show up and Vanessa’s ready to asks what’s going on with her and Daniel. She saw a cryptic post on Angela’s social media that let her know something isn’t right.
Before Angela shows up, Cree tells them about drama with Egypt, including the rumor she’s spreading about Shawn cheating on Tahira. Vanessa doesn’t want to believe this and says Egypt is tripping about this. Cree heard it from Savannah and she warned her not to trust Egypt. Vanessa suspects Sam is behind this rumor, not knowing that Egypt’s aunt Dawn relayed the information to Egypt. Either way, Vanessa’s going to be a friend and tell Tahira about the rumor.
Angela confirms the breakup.
At this point, Angela shows up. Tanice asks if she’s bringing Daniel to Jamaica with her as her date and Angela says she’s not sure. This leads to Angela revealing that she and Daniel didn’t work out and she’s not going to talk about it too much in front of the cameras. She also expresses frustrations with people posting their unsolicited opinions about their relationship.
Lastly, Cree tells them about her drama with her dad Luke and her siblings. Angela tells Cree that it’s ultimately about her peace.
Briana links up with Savannah. While at the restaurant, Briana pulls out a small bottle of liquor and pours it into her lemonade. This leads to Briana venting about Boogie and how she cursed him out. Interestingly enough, she tells Savannah to make her own judgment on Boogie. Of course, Angela’s alleged breakup with Daniel comes up. Savannah says they looked cute but Briana says everyone puts their best photos on Instagram and warns Savannah not to make details of her relationship public.
Eric suspects Egypt and Sam are stirring the pot with Tee Tee.
Lastly, Eric’s on the grill in his backyard and invited JoJo and Tanice over. But Tanice lets Eric know there could be drama involving Shawn and Tahira. She reveals Egypt told Savannah that Shawn’s cheating on Tahira.
JoJo says Egypt could’ve gone to Tahira about this and she – along with Sam – are just stirring the pot.
Later that night, Cree’s cousin Supa flew in from Miami to see Cree for her birthday. Things get serious when they talk about Cree’s public comments about Luke. The rant landed on World Star Hip Hop and forced a major rift between Cree and Uncle Luke. But Cree says she’s older and is ready to apologize. At the time, she was 15. She just wants Luke to also understand what he did wrong.
Supa lets Cree know that he’s hosting a brunch and her dad will be there. He advises her to use the event as a time to apologize and express herself to her father.
Vanessa tells Tee Tee about the rumor.
Back at Tee Tee’s home, Vanessa comes over to talk. As they sip wine, Vanessa tells Tahira about Egypt’s rumor and how it got her in the first place. Of course, this revelation angers Tahira.
Tahira gets emotional as Vanessa feels Egypt should’ve come to her with this instead of telling others about this. She begins to go off about Egypt, Sam, and Pepa for spreading the rumor. In fact, she calls them desperate.
Vanessa suspects they are doing this in order to get Tee Tee’s attention. Well, they have it as Tee Tee tells Vanessa they shouldn’t “f**k with her.” She also says Egypt’s being fed this information and doesn’t “control” her mouth. She then begins to questions Cree and if she should even plan the wedding.
However, when Vanessa asks if Shawn really cheated, she walks away.
What are your thoughts about the episode?