‘Power Book IV: Force’ Recap: Tommy Moves Forward with Claudia + Walter Gets Even

power book 4 force season 1 episode 6
Photo Credit: Starz/YouTube

Jenard places all of the blame on Tommy.

Tommy helps Claudia bury Mai’s body. She tells him it’s the first time she’s ever killed anybody. And she’s never taken anytime to think about what would happen next after the deed is done. Tommy tells her that killing people is just part of the game. She has to make sure that she never gets caught and the bodies are never found. 

It’s the day of Elijah’s funeral. Jenard is livid about his death. He whispers to Diamond that Elijah would still be alive if it wasn’t for Tommy. And Diamond tells Jenard that all of them, including Elijah, agreed to move in on the Serbs. So Jenard needs to some show respect and understand that they all made their choice, so the consequences must be accepted. 

Walter has no sympathy for Vic.

People come together to celebrate Simon’s life. Vic is devastated that he lost the best friend he’s had since childhood. Instead of Walter consoling him about it, he tells Vic that it’s his fault he’s dead. And whatever Vic got himself caught up in, Walter can only hope it won’t swallow him whole. 

Later on, Vic tells Claudia he wants in on her new drug. She lies and tells him she decided not to pursue it. She’s also concerned about Walter’s health. He’s had a cough for a while now. However, Vic thinks that it’s just seasonal bronchitis. 

Jenard, Vic, and Diamond buy Tommy out.

Tommy meets with Diamond, Jenard, and Vic after the shootout with the Serbs. They feel Tommy is too dangerous and they don’t want to go to war with what is left of the Serbs. Losing people close to them was enough to make the call. So they agree to end things with Tommy and buy out all of his c*caine to sell themselves. As for Tommy, he thinks Diamond will eventually rethink his choice. But in the meantime, he’s moving forward with Claudia and Liliana. The new designer drug they got from Mai is likely to take off anyway.

Claudia and Tommy discuss their plans. Tommy wants Liliana on board because he trusts her. Claudia says she wants her friend Reggie to join them. Tommy isn’t feeling this. He believes anyone who is working with them outside of Liliana must prove themselves first. And he wants the product drops to happen at the public lockers at the train station because then they can hide in plain sight. 

Claudia comes through for Walter.

The FBI pops up at the Flynn family’s dialysis center. They want proof and line items to show that the place is legit and no drugs are being sold there. Claudia arrives to show off the proper documents to shut them down. Even though Claudia saves the day, Walter tells her she’s not ready to take control of the family because she’s not around enough. 

Jenard has a plan for the Serbs. He tells Diamond they should open an escrow account that will allow them to put money to the side just in case the Serbs return. They don’t have to go to war with them and they can just pay them cash to go away.

Jenard wants to keep a close eye on Tommy.

Paulie discovers Walter on the floor at his home. He seemingly wasn’t aware he passed out. Paulie tells Walter that he knows he’s really sick and he can see it. And Walter should do the right thing by telling the kids what’s going on with his health.

Jenard meets up with D-Mac. He offers to pay him $5000 to follow Tommy and inform him of what he’s up to. D-Mac agrees. And he confirms he’ll want double that if Jenard wants Tommy dead. At this point, D-Mac nor Tommy have no clue that they are actually uncle and nephew.

Liliana checks out the train station to gauge how much law enforcement is there. Tommy and Claudia are nearby in a parking space waiting. Tommy, while dressed in a suit, walks in to get a look at the place and lockers. Their plans are coming together.  And he places the drug in a couple of lockers for possible distros to pick up to sample.

Vic is serious about being with Gloria.

FBI agents pull Paulie over. They tell him it’s Walter they are after and all Paulie has to do is give up Walter to protect himself. However, Paulie says he isn’t talking. And it’s revealed that Paulie is actually Walter’s brother-in-law.

Meanwhile, Walter tells Vic to find out where Claudia was earlier since she showed up at the dialysis center late. Vic isn’t interested in doing this. And he tells Walter that Gloria will be at the family dinner whether he likes it or not.

D-Mac is shaken.

Tommy hangs out with JP again at their grandmother’s house. JP explains that he’s in so much debt for a majority of reasons, including custody issues regarding his son. Plus, his father’s medical bills. He asks Tommy what he really does for a living. Tommy confirms he’s a drug dealer. And even though JP may have dabbled in the business in the past, he doesn’t want him anywhere near what he’s doing because it’s too dangerous. He’ll keep giving JP money but that’s as far as it goes. As for JP, he doesn’t want a handout. But he’s not able to change Tommy’s mind.

While the brothers are talking, D-Mac stares into the window and he’s in shock that Tommy knows his father. The connection doesn’t make sense. He leaves before they see him.

He later goes to Diamond’s barbershop and tells Jenard he can’t do the assignment. When Jenard asks what’s behind the change, of course, D-Mac refuses to answer and storms off.

Did the Serbs hit back?

While Vic and Gloria are having a romantic stroll down the street, a car pulls up and someone shoots at them. While Vic is caught off guard, Gloria shoots back. 

Diamond meets a woman named Adrienne at his favorite restaurant. He hooks up with her. After she leaves, someone sends her an article about Diamond being sentenced to prison for 15 years.

Tommy, Claudia, and Liliana check out the location where Dahlia will be producing the drug. She’s nervous and afraid for her life. But Tommy assures her it’s fine and they’ll give her anything she needs. 

Reggie is still calling and texting Claudia nonstop about the drug. He wanted in but Tommy doesn’t trust him. And he tells Claudia that Reggie isn’t actually her friend. He’s more so a potential threat and competition. 

Not too long after, Tommy receives a text from Mrs. Soto. She’s taken the drug and she wants in as a distro. 

Walter gets even.

Vic tells Walter someone shot at him and they were white. It could have been the Serbs due to the shootout he had with them and Tommy. Walter is furious that Vic would work with Tommy behind his back. 

While Claudia is driving, Reggie follows her. After she gets out of the car, he tries to kill her. But she kills him first. Not too long after, Tommy is helping her bury another body. And she realizes that this is who they are now.

Walter walks up into the restaurant where the Chicago Serbs hang out. He kills all of Mirkovic’s men and tells the waitress to tell Mirkovic that he’ll kill the whole organization if they shoot at his family again.

What are your thoughts on the episode? 

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