Charmaine Bey felt like it was time to walk away from “Black Ink Crew Chicago.
“Black Ink Crew Chicago” star Charmaine Bey recently announced that she has decided to leave the show. Some fans probably weren’t too surprised by the announcement. The latest season was a very tough one for Charmaine. Her father passed away from cancer. Plus, she was pregnant with baby number two. She was still struggling to process her mother’s death as well. To make matters even more difficult, Charmaine’s personal issues were beginning to affect her tattoo shop, 2nd City Ink. After the impact of the pandemic, Charmaine was hoping to get the shop back on track. But all her personal issues were stressing her out so much that she was making decisions that Miss Kitty and others didn’t like. So this led to blowups.
In the end, Charmaine fired Kitty from her shop. Tattoo artist Prince Spencer was also fired. And Draya Penzo is the artist who decided to leave on her own because she wasn’t getting along with Charmaine.
Charmaine would later say that Kitty and Draya never really worked at her shop. And they were just there for entertainment purposes. But that didn’t stop the backlash she received from fans of the show.
While some fans were wondering if it was her issues with Ryan Henry that may have led to her walking away, Charmaine recently revealed that being accused of colorism was the last straw.
Click next for the details.
That’s the thing about reality shows. Producers and networks don’t care about any of the people who sign up to be on the cast. They only care about ratings so they will ruin lives and exploit these people like it’s nothing. Then these people are fired or leave on their own after their image has been so damaged. Charmaine is fortunate that she has a radio career and successful businesses so financially she could afford to leave before it got worse. I do hope the other cast members know that eventually they too will be the bad guy because hey…ratings, right?
Colorism is way too serious for these reality stars and networks to be using it for storylines. I’m honestly tired of it. And it turns me off from watching the show.
The colorism sh-t was definitely a reach.