Ceaser has been fired from “Black Ink Crew” after a video upsets fans.
“Black Ink Crew” star Ceaser is a hot topic on social media currently. A video of a man allegedly abusing a dog went viral. And Blogger Gossip of the City claimed that the man in the video is allegedly Ceaser. This immediately resulted in backlash from fans. Some even called for the show to be canceled while others demanded that Ceaser be fired from the show. Interestingly enough, Donna went all the way off on Ceaser on her Instagram account. She said that she believed it when Ceaser’s daughter Cheyenne accused him of beating on her. And Donna strongly believed that it is Ceaser in the video. So she called for VH1 to fire him from the show.
Miss Kitty also appeared to address the situation on her Twitter account. She said that black women have called Ceaser out over the years. However, nothing ever happened to him. So it just seems as if the concerns of Black women are not that important.
Well, VH1 eventually confirmed that Ceaser has been fired from the show. And the show’s tenth season will be his last. However, it’s possible that the situation will be addressed on the platform.
Interestingly enough, Walt also had a few things to say about the situation. He isn’t impressed by the actions that were taken.
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They did Walter so dirty man.
Hey, business is business. Ceaser made some bad decisions and karma came to collect. He can come back from this. The first step is to get right with God and his daughter.
I’m still shocked they fired him.
So, there was a problem with the DOG that they decided to fire him. Most of the time the dog before women.
Points were made. But we all know that dogs are universally loved. You harm one and there’s proof, you’re going to lose your job. You may even get locked up. Should VH1 have taken the accusations made by his daughter more seriously? Absolutely. But unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in. Black women aren’t believed, in many cases not even by other black women. I mean I saw a lot of black women calling his daughter and bm liars.
There is no black ink without Ceasar!! I won’t be watching
Haven’t watched this show since they got rid of Miss Kitty, especially Ceasar. Karma is a b-tch.