The upcoming season of “Black Ink Crew” will be Ceaser’s last on the show.
“Black Ink Crew” star Ceaser has been a hot topic on social media for the last few days. He’s been accused of being abusive towards dogs. And the video that caused the accusations was reposted to Donna’s Instagram page. She wasted no time in calling Ceaser out. She also said she was going to watch closely to see if he would be held accountable by VH1. Miss Kitty also spoke up. She said that she and others had made accusations about Ceaser but nothing was ever done to him. Ceaser’s ex Crystal vented in the comment section of Donna’s post. She said that no one wanted to believe the abuse accusations made by their daughter Cheyenne.
Many fans held VH1’s feet to the fire about the situation. Some even demanded that he be fired from the show. Interestingly enough, they got their wish. The network said the upcoming season is in the process of being wrapped up. So Season 10 will be Ceaser’s final season on the show.
Well, more cast members are speaking out. Tatti took to social media to share her thoughts since Ceaser has been fired. And she didn’t hold back her feelings about Ceaser’s ex-girlfriend Suzette.
Click next for the details.
Y’all all know Ceasar is a peice of s*** but y’all all stayed on the show and supported him for a check. Y’all all sold y’all soul so you are just as disgusting as she is for keeping quiet as long as it benefited you
Wow Tatti. I see you doing the most as usual. Maybe you can become The Big Cheese now that Ceaser is out. You have always wanted your own shop, right? Wait – I almost forgot: You can’t stay out of jail! ???????? Well, Teddy, you up!!
KARMA IS A B-TCH!!!! Ceaser got his hard as h-ll. I Don’t feel bad at all. That’s what he gets for choosing trash over his daughter.
Worry about keeping your a-s out of jail with your flip flopping behind. You was cool with Kat you flipped on her. You was lickin’ Donna’s lady parts now you flipped on her. Go sit yo butt down somewhere
Everything u said was accurate I just wish u could’ve admitted some of your faults as well. Ceasars is disappointing. I’ve actually been disappointed in this whole show since Duchess. I liked them together they should’ve went to therapy worked it out and treated everyone else fairly.
@Renee, I love you!! ???? You tell it like it is! You need to be on Basketball Wives! Your comments about Tatti are straight on. Thanks for your post. She’s a piece of work. One minute she’s got love for you and the next minute she’s dog walking you!