Karlie Redd continues to get caught up in drama on LHHATL.
“Love And Hip Hop Atlanta” star Karlie Redd is no stranger to drama and controversy. In fact, she’s had a lot of messy moments on the show throughout the years. Due to her number of past feuds and tendency to spread gossip in the group, Karlie has been labeled as one of the messiest cast members. On the current season, Karlie has made it clear that she doesn’t think Yung Joc is ready for marriage. She showed up at his bachelor party. And she surprised Joc by popping out of a gift box that had a bow on it. Joc was happy to see her. When they hugged, it was a very passionate one.
A lot of viewers felt like this was completely inappropriate and disrespectful to Kendra Robinson. In a green screen interview, Karlie even accused Joc of asking her if she was going to go home with him that night.
Karlie also felt like she was vindicated after Spice’s friend accused Joc of hooking up with her for 14 years. The woman even alleged that she allegedly messed around with Joc in 2020. And she had no idea he was even in a serious relationship because she doesn’t watch the show.
Some fans of the show felt like Karlie enjoyed hearing the gossip about her ex. So she got called out on social media.
Interestingly enough, Tokyo Vanity recently called out Karlie as well. She didn’t hold back either.
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I think Karlie was beautiful the way she was. Unfortunately society makes people think they aren’t good enough so people are getting all this work done when they were perfect the way they were. I do agree that Karlie can be very mean and messy at times. And it’s no longer entertaining.
Tokyo is always going to keep it real.
Karlie stays on that hater sh-t. But then she wants sympathy when she’s the one being talked about.
I just want Karlie to stop minding Joc and Kendra’s business.
Why is Tokyo no longer on the show? I miss her.
Karlie ….is that KARMA knocking at your door Sis?!?!? It ain’t no fun when the rabbit got the gun!!! U can’t throw dirt and expect it not to be thrown back atcha love!!! What she put out is what she will receive!!!
VH1 better rehire Ceaser if they want people to keep watching b lack ink. He made a mistake and that’s it
Karlie girl I wish you stfu in find you a man of your own your music stinks and sorry you looked better before you way to old for the same bs just being messy all the time maybe you can find someone if you worry about you in only you sheesh joc always treat you like trash let that man go honey love ya self more
Tokyo energy was off when she got to Jamaica. She went off on Jen, then she got with the other mean girls talking about Karlie so when Karlie said we need to talk you wanted to let them see how unprofessional you are, so you ran up on Karlie knowing everybody was against her and at one point y’all were cool or were you being fake too!!! I said what I said