‘Queen Sugar’ Recap: Darla’s Assaulter Issues Threats + Aunt Vi & Hollywood Scramble

Queen Sugar Season 7 Episode 5
Photo Credit: OWN

On tonight’s “Queen Sugar,” Aunt Vi and Hollywood’s ability to foster Joaquin and his brother is at risk. The family comes together to accommodate the boys while helping Darla and Ralph Angel move. Unfortunately, Joaquin makes a rash decision after overhearing Aunt Vi and Hollywood speak about the situation.

Meanwhile, Darla’s assaulter contacts her. He claims Darla is lying about the assault. This occurs as Nova sits Darla and the family down to discuss the movie deal for her book. Darla is the only holdout and tearfully pleads with Nova to not sell the rights to the book.

Lastly, Micah’s newest NFT sale impresses Zane. Unfortunately, it’s a move that could raise the ire of his mom and dad.

Here’s the recap for, “With a Kind of.”

Click next for the details.

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