On tonight’s “Love and Marriage Huntsville,” everyone deals with the aftermath of Melody and Wanda’s confrontation at Madonni’s re-opening celebration.
Melody and Martell reach an understanding of Wanda. They agree that they both do not want Wanda around them anymore. Conversely, Marsau feels the same way. Meanwhile, LaTisha and Marsau had a heated discussion with one another after the incident. Marsau seemingly agrees with the Holts about Wanda, along with their friend Funky Dineva.
In fact, Funky asks LaTisha if her silence about Wanda’s actions means she is complicit.
Meanwhile, Stormi gets a one-on-one with Destiny after the event. She and Destiny seemingly reach an understanding. However, Destiny lets it be known she’s not interested in mending fences with Melody.
Lastly, as Martell is in the market for a new home, he reveals the latest regarding a business relationship with LaTisha and Marsau.
Here’s the recap for, “We Need a Resolution.”
Click next for the details.
I feel that it’s time for Destiny leave the show. I feel she is always talking negative about Melody and Destiny also does not have a story line. Destiny appear to be jealous of Melody and also a little jealous of Stormi.
LaTish likes her mother causing drama, that way she keeps clean hands.
Cancel the whole show. It’s no longer serving it’s purpose, we can watch black folks fighting each other on VH1 and Bravo
Build some houses or cancel that ish!
I get Des but they don’t get her. Yeah she carried a few bones but she owned it. She’s dealt with enough and she needs to free herself.
Can I touch on how beautiful Chris is? Every time I see him I’m saying WOO WEE!!
Now LaTisha has been checked yet again about her Momma.
Wanda is just this side of me not watching the show anymore. She’s tired.
The dinner should be interesting. I hope they eat African because your fingers are your utensils. No weapons at the table.
Take wanda off and I don’t get it why is it that they have a problem with melody when they all have stuff going on I can’t stand latisha are her mom just so messy and tisha can’t even be woman enough to stand up to her husband he belittles her and talk to her like she’s nothing she needs to get alife and the mama do to
The friend was 100% right about Wanda and LaTisha. L.should be ashamed of her mom’s behavior, embarrassing and ignorant. Why does that woman have to be involved with her daughter’s friends and activities anyway? I think L enjoys her mom’s behavior, it speaks for the way she feels towards others and is to cowardly to say. Don’t know how her husband can tolerate her or her mom.