Dr. Jackie Walters Checks Toya Bush-Harris + Quad Webb Drags Dr. Eugene Harris

Photo Credit: Bravo

Dr. Heavenly Kimes and Dr. Contessa Metcalfe are still having tension.

Part 2 of the “Married to Medicine” reunion is full of more dramatic moments. Dr. Heavenly Kimes and Dr. Contessa Metcalfe clashed due to comments made on Heavenly’s YouTube channel. When subscribers asked if she thought that Dr. Scott Metcalfe was abusive, Heavenly said emotionally and verbally. This upset Contessa so she planned an intervention to confront Heavenly about her public opinions about other cast members. Heavenly felt attacked and their friendship is no more.

During a preview for the upcoming episode, Heavenly accuses Contessa of calling her to dog out Scott.

“She was dogging her husband out, crying on the phone.” Contessa responds, “Are you out of your mind?”

Dr. Jackie Walters and Toya Bush-Harris also have a moment.

During another scene, Toya Bush-Harris tried to remind Dr. Jackie Walters that she supported her in the past but Jackie has a different recollection of that time period. Toya says, “I was there.” In response, Jackie says, “You were there telling me my husband was cheating cause I was not doing what I needed to do.”

Toya also clashed with Quad Webb over the contractor accusation, “I never once brought up you sleeping with a contractor.” Quad disagrees, “Yes you have.” Toya isn’t backing down either, “I have not until today!”

Toya also has a heated moment with Anila Sajja. She feels as if her former friend crossed the line regarding the rumors she feels Anila played a role in. But Anila says gossiping is what the group does, “Everyone in this group talks and gossips and says stuff.” And Toya isn’t having it, “That’s not the same Anila!”

Dr. Eugene Harris and Quad also have a face-ff. Eugene tells Quad, “What you said was so much worse.” After Quad says she meant what she said, Toya responds, “You go on social media and call my husband a *****.” Quad throws another jab, “Yes, Eugina is what I call him.” And Toya wants to point out what she thinks is hypocrisy, “It’s the same ******* thing!”

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    1. She took her cheating husband back and he made a nationally fool out of her.
      She’s selfish and very unforgiving, that’s the real Jackie,

  1. Heavenly is not a true friend, if Contessa did call you crying about Scott why would you broadcast it. You weren’t concerned about her you couldn’t wait to put her business in the street. Poor Dr. Damon, he has his hands full. Toya seems angry all the time. If these women disturb your peace, girl you need some new friends.

  2. Fashionista, Yup she can! Jackie is also sneaky and mean-spirited…..she eggs on the others, or at the very least, sits there all pious as they go after people she doesn’t like or feel like they have wronged her, basically anybody with a big personality,i.e. Toya, Simone, Mariah, Buffie, etc.

    Jackie has a God complex, the woman she has aligned herself with her women with very low self-esteem and they up to her and her title for validation. Whereas the women who have been and/is being targeted by Jackie’s minions. Watch how she just sits and look all pious when Heavenly, Quad, or Anila attacks, nothing is ever too low for them to see, no rumor or action. Yet she is holding a grudge because Toya told her the truth, her husband stepped out because she wasn’t available, not that this should be a reason to trash your vows. Hell, she must have believed it because she stayed. She throw-away her long-standing friendship with Simone for Heavenly because Simone didn’t back her when she was nasty to Buffie. Jackie shots from the side!!

    1. @JustMeToo Good morning, Millo. Let’s start here: In response, Jackie says, “You were there telling me my husband was cheating cause I was not doing what I needed to do.” GTFOHWTBS Jackie! We all know Dr. Jackie is the lemon squeeze, tea party, no cussing, no ratchet stuff, I’m above all others because of this, etc. etc.

      Right after Jackie’s huband completely disrespected and embarassed her on national tv she was on a boat with Heavenly posting on IG her singing The City Girls “Act up, you can get snatched up”. I was like “forreal Jackie?” I guarantee you that Heavenly told Jackie the same schitt Toya did because she often voices how it’s the wife’s job to keep the husband happy.

      I also think behind the scenes Simone told her friend of years she’s not cosigning the Jackie/Heavenly BS. IMO Simone was completely justified in being hurt the way Jackie threw away their frienship over someone so vile and nasty because she Heavenly put a battery in Jackie’s back.

      And her husband still gives me the creeps. There! I said it! Lol

  3. It’s great to see them falling out with each other. Jackie needs to be replaced. Does anyone know what Mariah is up to to.

  4. Jackie still mad at Toya about Curtis cheating. Don’t Curtis say that he felt Jackie was not the marriage? Is that not saying she was not doing what Curtis needed?
    Heavenly is the worst example of a friend. She tells what her “friends” says to her in private for likes.

  5. Jackie throws the rock and hides her hand…and Heavenly is the dummy that don’t even know she’s the rock…you are so right about the GOD complex… pompous heifer..

  6. Dr. Havenly annoys me the most on this show. Her voice is squeaky and most times it’s hard to understand her. Her husband seems cool and I really don’t know how he tolerates this woman. It’s obvious she is jealous of the other women. Quad needs to leave the show. She is very talkative and is always loud and a show off.

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