Gizelle gets a recap.
Robyn and Gizelle catch up. They discuss what Gizelle missed out on by skipping a night at the club. Robyn says Wendy told her she loved her. And that she cried over their fallout. Although Robyn seemed receptive to Wendy at the moment, she tells Gizelle that she’s just not sure Wendy is genuine. But she does want to hash things out with Candiace.
Meanwhile, Candiace and Chris are getting ready for a backyard shindig to celebrate Candiace getting her MBA from Howard. She will use the education gained to navigate her music and acting careers. Chris is elated after she tells him that her period is late.
She’s inviting Karen since she feels bad for gossiping about her with Ashley. Candiace says a producer told her she did accuse Karen of being out with another man.
Robyn and Candiace hash things out.
Karen is planning a live taping of her podcast. Robyn and Gizelle have the same plan and they were first. However, Karen thinks she will have the superior event.
Wendy and Eddie talk about her hectic work schedule. Eddie wants her to place more focus on her health.
Robyn and Candiace meet up at a restaurant. They have a tearful moment after Robyn shares that her longtime friend and hairstylist lost her sister and brother-in-law in a tragic accident. The tragedy is what made Robyn want to hash things out with Candiace.
Candiace tells Robyn she wasn’t referring to her in the recent Instagram Live session she did. And Robyn isn’t fake. In fact, Robyn is her closest friend in the group. Moving forward, Candiace will try to be a bit more clear with her social media jabs. They hug it out.
It’s a scary time for Ashley.
Mia and Gordon are having the grand opening of their new chiropractic center. Karen comes out to support.
Ashley visits her uncle Lump and his wife. She breaks down in tears as she opens up about being afraid of single motherhood. But her family reminds her she won’t be alone. She will have support from her family.
Gizelle and Jamal throw Angel and Adore a Sweet 16 party. They are proud parents.
It’s the day of Candiace’s shindig. Her mother sees a snake in the yard and calls it Gizelle. Candiace confirms she’s not pregnant. She took a pregnancy test and she’s disappointed. But this is a sign to move forward with her egg retrieval process.
Chris is fed up.
Wendy and Robyn talk. After their moment at the club, Wendy once again apologizes to Robyn for hurting her. Robyn accepts. And Wendy pushes her to apologize as well. Robyn says she already apologized to Wendy, but she apologizes once more. They hug it out.
Ray tells Chris it may be best to apologize to Gizelle for making her feel uncomfortable. Chris tells Ray he didn’t do anything. So he has nothing to apologize for. He storms off.
What are your thoughts on the episode?
I like how Ray said apologize for how she viewed things, even if you didn’t do anything wrong.
Robyn’s is the biggest baby of the group. She wants to be mad about and hang on to anything she thinks is a slight towards her or Juan. Robyn doesn’t realize she put her and Juan in the position to cracked on when she jumps in to defend Giselle, when she comments on the others relationships. The seven years of engagement leaves itself out to comments. Robyn wants an apology for slights against her but she doesn’t see why she should give one for things she has done. She doesn’t seem to understand why either.
I know because everyone hates Gizelle they won’t want to hear this, but Ray wasn’t wrong. Chris could have taken the high road and just said “Im sorry that you were uncomfortable . ” But I think he’s hyrt and instead of voicing that hurt he’s just being angry. It would have been nothing to be like ” I’m sorry you felt uncomfortable. That wasn’t my intention and for that reason we shouldn’t interact outside of group settings anymore to avoid further confusion” and just walked off. THAT would have taken his power back and made Gizelle look stupid. But right now, he’s really dragging it out and doing the most. Especially at the party.