Melody vents about Martell’s behavior.
The episode begins with Melody stopping by Tiffany’s with a gift for her and the baby. Inside, Melody and Tiffany recap LaTisha’s Spa Day event. Melody also invites her to the High Tea event Melody’s hosting with an etiquette coach. Tiffany says she allowed Keke to pull her down to her level. She was also surprised and glad to see Melody show up at LaTisha’s event.
Melody then tells Tiffany about Martell’s latest actions. This includes a message Melody played for Tiffany where Martell tells Mariah he wouldn’t pick her up until Monday. This contrasts with how he acted at the party and Melody calls him manipulative. Melody also says she wishes she had kids “by a man, not a queen.”
Kiuwha and Kimmi are on the same page regarding Monster.
Later on, Kimmi’s at home cooking when she and Maurice talk about Monster. Both of them are having trouble disciplining Monster. Kimmi, specifically, wants Maurice to back her up when it comes to enforcing Monster doing his chores. She doesn’t want to cross boundaries with Monster, and Kiuwah subsequently.
So Maurice calls Kiuwha to discuss all of this. The call gets awkward when she picks up and Maurice forces the conversation as Kimmi feels they don’t need to being Kiuwah into this.
Kiuwha appreciates how Kimmi considers her feelings regarding this and they both agree, surprising Maurice.
Later on, Stormi invites Keke for a session with her spiritual healer. However, things get off to a rocky start when Keke says these items could be blasphemous according to her Christian beliefs. However, Keke’s seemingly open to the experience. After the session, Keke and Stormi talk about their experience and open up about what happened on the spa day.
The ladies talk about how they can move forward and Keke hopes that she can have a conversation with Tiffany without things getting tense.
Martel vents to Maurice about what happened at the birthday party.
The next day, Martell stops by Maurice and Kimmi’s office to get a glimpse of the construction. They talk about Martell’s credit and Maurice is happy because Martell’s credit score is up. Martell discusses the birthday party drama. Maurice tells Martell that fighting in front of the kids is something no one should want.
Maurice then tells Martell about Monster and his concern about Monster’s behavior. He’s seriously concerned about Monster’s behavior and what could result from this.
Bettie comes for Melody.
Eventually, it’s time for Melody’s High Tea and etiquette session for her and the ladies. Melody hopes this event will be a foundation for them in being ladies around each other. The ladies arrive with their guests one by one. This includes Stormi and her mom Bettie. The ladies are served literal tea by Destiny and the Etiquette Coach gives them tips on how to engage each other at the table.
Stormi and the coach have a discussion about using curse words. While Stormi says she frequently curses to express herself, the coach says it shows a lack of vocabulary.
Next, Nail Fletcher has the ladies address the “elephant in the room,” which leads to Stormi’s mom speaking up and coming at Nail. Stormi speaks up, telling Nail that her mom didn’t want her addressing her about Melody.
Bettie reveals she has a new reason for disliking Melody. She’s upset that some fans thought that Melody accused Stormi of recording a conversation to replay for Martell. However, footage from the show confirms Melody made the accusation about Destiny. Producers flash back to the scene of Destiny playing audio of Melody’s interview for Martell.
Melody apologizes for the confusing tweet. However, Bettie isn’t ready to let it go. Luckily, the etiquette coach tells the ladies it’s time to move on to Keke’s concerns.
Keke takes a low blow.
After this, Keke uses the moment to confront Tiffany regarding things she’s said about her. Tiffany says she’s not in community with Keke and reacted only to what she saw regarding Keke and LaTisha’s interactions.
However, Keke says she has known Tiffany for years, her son played for Louis’ baseball team and even met Keke’s mom. Tiffany says she did know about the son and they have mutual friends. Things take a turn when Keke says she helped Tiffany find her biological father. Keke says, “I’ve always known who my daddy was.”
This frustrates Melody who feels this was out of pocket for Keke. Luckily, the coach is able to get control of the room and the ladies. Unfortunately, things become tense again when Keke says she wasn’t taking a dig at Tiffany.
It’s at this point that Melody cuts her short. But despite cutting it short, she hopes this event leads to the ladies discussing their disagreements respectfully in the future. But before they leave, Melody presents her guests with gifts.
What are your thoughts about the episode?
Keke did not come to play! It’s about time someone matched Tiffany’s energy but the comment about the dad was uncalled for. She could have dragged her without going there.
It doesn’t look like this show will ever go back to it’s original purpose so just cancel it already.
I guess Stormy’s mom is the new Wanda on the show. I dont know why these women will not let their over grown daughters fight their own battle. Somebody somewhere has told them a diarrhetic mouth is cute and Stormy should have tried to intervene but she didnt. This is why her mom and Wanda act the way they do. Mel handled it well though.