RHOA Recap: Marlo Goes off on Drew & Accuses Kandi of Receiving Favoritism from Producers

Photo Credit: Bravo

On the recent episode of “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” Kandi and Courtney clash yet again over the “ghetto” comment. Kandi doesn’t appreciate the fact that Courtney insinuated that her fan base is comprised of “ghetto” people. And when Courtney doesn’t back down from the perspective, Kandi goes off. 

Marlo also has a moment of her own as well after Drew brings up the Blaze situation. She specifically calls out Drew for not using the word “shooting” on camera. And she says that she believes Kandi has special privileges and doesn’t have to discuss things she doesn’t want to. So Marlo unleashes her rage on Drew and leaves her confused. 

Here’s a recap for, “A Star is Re-Born.”

Click next for the details. 

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  1. Marlo is absolutely right, Kandi wants to hide her personal life if possible or should I say filter it, and everyone knows she can’t stop Mama Joyce mouth lol

  2. Marlo is ghetto and can’t speak. She needs to take a speech class. Also, Courtney needs to go back to where she came from.

    The show is loosing viewers, I am sure. Marlo has brought the HWOA down to a classless status. You may know how to put on some clothes but you truly don’t have the class for a full-time housewife.

    I’m getting to the point where I don’t want to watch it and the OG’s (Sheree, Kenya & Kandi) can’t compete with Marlo’s mouth. Marlo is trying to be NeeNee and take over the show when you were just granted a peach.

    Andy Cohen, you have to do better. You may need a total makeover in order for that franchise to survive. Andy is not honest and he doesn’t call any of them out directly. Marlo’s nephew doesn’t have anything to do with the incident at Kandi’s restaurant. He didn’t get killed at Kandi’s restaurant so why does she have to talk about it especially since it’s still a fresh legal incident.

    Go Away Marlo, Please!

  3. Not Marlo with the whole Lifetime Movie of the week scene, trying to call Drew an actress. It was DREW’S event. If she feels some type of way she can leave.

    Also the preview of Marlo banging on Kenya’s door, with Brooklyn inside makes my blood boil. Andy is gonna let Marlo “Jennifer Williams” RHOA and it’s so sad and disrespectful to the other housewives.

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