LAMH Recap: Stormi Goes off on Marsau + Stormi and LaTisha Clash

LAMH Season 6 Episode 15
Photo Credit: OWN

Stormi calls out Marsau.

Tonight’s episode continues with Marsau and Stormi clashing over the $100 booth fee. Stormi’s irritated Marsau approached her about this at the last minute. She tells them that they could’ve told her long before this point. In fact, Stormi tells Marsau she wants to see Courtney about this.

At the end, Stormi says she’s going to give them the $100 and they better not ask her for anything, again.

Melody is on her way to the event with her brother Marcus. She’s simply looking to say hello and congratulate LaTisha and Marsau before heading out to Boston for her performance.

Marcus asks if Martell is participating. Melody responds by saying she can ignore Martell “very well.”

Despite the tension, Stormi changed her clothes and her booth is a hit. Meanwhile, LaTisha is happy with the turnout. In their interview, Marsau says one booth didn’t pay their fee and seemingly insinuates that Stormi was that one.

Martell shows up and meets with a man who has a mentoring business. He hopes to network and introduce his brother to this booth and other businesses.

When Melody and Marcus arrive, she’s impressed with everything.

Martell is still frustrated by Marcus.

Later on, Maurice asks Martell why he doesn’t have a booth for his wine. Despite Martell saying he wanted to give others the chance to shine, Maurice notices that this is where he’s faltering without Melody. Tiffany and Louis show up eventually and so does Maurice.

Speaking of which, Maurice is at the expo by himself for now as Kimmi’s finishing up her treatment.

Things get awkward when Marcus and Martell interact. Martell tells Marcus that it’s finally time for Melody to let her guard down with his support, Melody would do just that. Marcus responds by laughing.

Producers then show flashbacks of previous interactions between the two as they part. Martell says Marcus is immature when he walks off and proceeds to cuss him out in his interview.

Later on, Martell reaches out to Montez about the people he met to help his brother out with his business. Kimmi also arrives and interacts with patrons, speaking about her treatment. Kimmi’s story touched many.

Melody speaks with Montez and Stormi receives bad news.

Later on, Montez runs into Melody and that interaction goes well. Martell looks on as they hug it out. Melody mentions how she had talks with Montez in the past in an effort to walk the straight and narrow.

Meanwhile, Courtney calls Stormi, letting her know that a major labeling error occurred which infuriates her. After this tense call, Tiffany stops by to talk to Stormi. Stormi vents about the latest developments and what happened with Marsau and LaTisha. Tiffany says she felt some type of way about finding out at the last minute.

Later on, Maurice asks if Sheree is showing up and Martell says she’s in California and hasn’t been answering his calls. They and Marsau joke about it. In his interview, Martell still doesn’t say he’s in a relationship or dating Sheree, calling her a friend.

Martell’s name is called to join the stage. Despite his fit backstage, Martell comes out. The Comeback Group and Stormi speak to the audience, answering questions, and doing their best to inspire the participants.

They speak to their experiences, failures, and successes in business.

Courtney has a change of heart which makes Stormi happy.

A few days later, Courtney and Stormi are in bed exhausted. Courtney was able to correct the issue at their facility to get the product shipped to stores.

Stormi does tell Courtney about her interaction with Marsau. Stormi wants Courtney to confront Marsau about what happened and he agrees. 

Next, Courtney tells Stormi about why he doesn’t want another child. It was difficult to see Stormi struggle so much giving birth. Despite that, he’s coming around to using a surrogate. That news makes Stormi happy.

LaTisha and Stormi clash.

Later on, Tiffany invites Kimmi, LaTisha, and Stormi out to lunch. Tiffany wants to deliver feedback about the expo and is disappointed that she wasn’t involved. LaTisha arrives and calls the event a success. She’s also hopeful she and Stormi are able to move forward past the $100 dollar fiasco.

Tiffany lets them know about not having an invite and Kimmi calls it an oversight. However, LaTisha says she doesn’t know what Tiffany even does for a living. This frustrates Stormi as she’s still salty about her interaction with Marsau and the overall presentation of the event. This leads to Stormi expressing her frustration.

However, LaTisha didn’t like how Stormi responded and says that was a professional setting. LaTisha says the way she reacted wasn’t necessary and asks “What the f**k is her problem,” causing the conversation to grow tense.

Stormi tells LaTisha she can’t tell her how to respond.

The episode ends with LaTisha and Stormi arguing about the interaction with Stormi telling her to “keep talking to her husband.”

LaTisha calls Stormi very disrespectful and rude. She goes on to say the old her would have jumped across the table. Stormi tells her to jump.

At this point, LaTisha decides it’s time for her to leave. And Tiffany is told to not invite Stormi to anything else.

What are your thoughts about the episode?


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  1. I have lost all respect for Lemon Head Maurice. He is so worried about his own sexual needs during a time where his wife is fighting for her life. Kimmi needs to do some evaluating of her marriage.

    Martell is a selfish jerk, he looks pathetic because it’s him that ruin his marriage. He had to suffer a long time for what he did. You can see it on his face. You reap what you sow.

    Can Tiffany go have that baby, she should have stayed home. She gets on my nerves always butting in everyone’s business. I’m not sure what type if marriage she has, there doesn’t seems to be any affection between those two.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣You win because once you said lemonhead, I hollered. But you are so right because he seems to have no empathy for Kimmi. I understand he has needs but she literally has poison-chemo running through her body that is a lot to bear and that should take priority over everything. Unfortunately, I have watched both my parents experience it and one has transitioned. My dad had lung cancer and the chemo was the worst and my has ovarian and started treatment again.
      Martell just needs Jesus. He cheated on Mel with Coleslaw for five years, justified his behavior and dogged out her brother and proceeds to have fits like a petulant child. Yes, he is reaping all he has done. He takes no accountability.

      Stormi is better than me because I would not have given Marsau a darn dime and here is why. He and Latisha were so pressed about no one getting paid or having sponsors, why turn around and charge everyone? If it was for the community and Stormi did her part, why press her and anyone else for a $100.00 booth fee?
      Tiffany does seem like the bone carrier because she was all the way out of line for asking Shere anything about her communication. Like her husband said to her, Mel does not come to you for advice, stay out of her business.

  2. Martel, Marsau, and Maurice are all after women’s money, I’m wondering if Marsau and Tisha are having money problems, they seem to always be so needy, I do not believe they are going to put the money back into the community as they claim.

  3. Stormi was giving Marsau what he was looking for. She’s not passive like latisha. Stormi wanted all of the smoke. She was helping them out. He’s being petty for a measly $100. How unprofessional. His punk behind better tread lightly with Stormi. Also Martell has his nerve. If it wasn’t for him his children wouldn’t be in this situation. He talked all that crap about Mel’s brother but now he want his help and have the nerve to call this man childish. How dare the two year old Martell who’s throwing tantrums because he’s being held accountable for his actions. Also how low and classless of him requesting Mel to pay his lawyer fees. He only wants custody of the kids to hurt Mel and to try to get child support. He’s half of a man without Mel. That’s why he was so worried about her being up there on that stage. Lay in your bed with fleas Martell . Lastly how dare latisha try to confront someone about the way they talk to her husband when he was dead as wrong. She than lied and said she spoke to Marsau about the situation. Girl have several seats. You don’t have a backbone and everyone knows your husband doesn’t respect you. Even your own children are well aware. Try to run game on someone else.

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