On the season finale of “Black Ink Crew,” Puma and Teddy have decided the new artists left standing will be their staff. However, AMH returns and causes them to question if they can depend on Puma and Teddy’s decision-making skills. In particular, AMH may have been too talented to fire. However, AMH ultimately shows Teddy and Puma made the right call when she was critical of the new shop. And this rubs Jahnova, Teddy, and Puma the wrong way.
After Alex spends time with his son in Atlanta, he tries to talk his child’s mother into moving to New York. However, she explains the best thing would be for Alex to relocate to Atlanta because his son has a stable life there. Alex agrees and breaks the disappointing news to Puma and Teddy. However, Ceaser spoils the night even more when he hits them with a legal threat.
Here’s a recap for, “The New Black Ink Harlem.”
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