Is Quad Webb Being Iced out of ‘Married to Medicine’?

Photo Credit: Bravo

Quad Webb isn’t in the best place with her Married 2 Med costars.

Married to Medicine” star Quad Webb will be a hot topic on the upcoming episode. As we reported, Quad surprised the ladies when she popped out of a casket at Phaedra Parks‘ resurrection event. Quad planned to use the moment to “resurrect” her friendships with the rest of the ladies. Phaedra anticipated that meant Quad would apologize for her role in some of these issues. However, Quad never did that. Instead, she told them she was moving on from things that they said to her in the past. In her opinion, it is time to wipe the slate clean.

Interestingly enough, this wasn’t received well. Phaedra said it was disappointing to watch Quad not take accountability whatsoever that evening. Dr. Heavenly Kimes has already expressed that the issue the group has with Quad is the lack of accountability she takes in her part in feuds and fallouts.

Toya Bush-Harris for example is still upset about Quad questioning if she and Dr. Eugene Harris had anything to do with Anila Sajja’s house being broken into last season. On social media, Toya expressed that Quad’s words could have been damaging to her reputation as well as Eugene’s career. So she’s not so sure that this is something that she and Quad can ever come back from.

On the upcoming episode, Toya is planning a trip to Napa as she is expanding her wine business. Ahead of the trip, she calls a meeting with Heavenly, Dr. Simone Whitmore, and Dr. Jackie Walters. She’s not certain she wants to invite Quad.

The group has reached a breaking point with Quad Webb.

In a preview, Toya says, “Let me just go straight into it. The bottom line is us going to Napa, it doesn’t make sense for Quad to be there because it’s business number one. I’m meeting with the VPs.”

She continued, “And I really and truly want it to be that they see us in a positive light. At the funeral home, she went around to each one of you asking you to accept her back. There was never an apology of anything that she had did wrong to anyone.”

Simone says the whole thing left a bad taste in her mouth.

“The resurrection event really left a bad taste in my mouth. And not just formaldehyde. The resurrection was for Quad to basically tell us that she was wiping the slate clean on everything we had done to her but she hasn’t really accepted any responsibility.”

Heavenly states that Quad ghosts her when they aren’t filming the show.

“I’ve been a sister to Quad. However, when she has different people in her life or whatever she’s got going on, she abandons the relationship. So how close could it be? And no hard feelings. I still love her. If she was there for me, if she needed anything, I swear to God I’d be there.”

She says more in her interview, “Quad does not actually reach out to anyone one-on-one in this group anymore. She had Phaedra, she no longer needed me and she kind of cut me off.”

Toya then proposes that Simone, Jackie, and Heavenly be the ones to have the tough conversation with Quad.

“There needs to be a conversation held where the three of you are going to state the case to her. We need to hold her accountable and say, you know what, this is your last trip.”

Jackie also says it’s time to give Quad one final chance, “Bringing Quad on a trip is about allowing Quad another chance for accountability.”

Quad also wrote an interesting comment in response to a supporter on Instagram.

The person wrote, “The show is not the same without you in it beautiful!”

Quad replied, “Well, you all will be able to enjoy me for 2 more episodes only this season. Sad but oh so true.”


  1. I’ll have not an ounce of sympathy for Quad if she receives the Mariah treatment. She wants these women to forget how she dumped them when she had that talk show. But it is not happening. Quad was a fool to help them get her best friend removed from the show she created and so she could be the star. A victim she is not.

    1. I totally agree. I have always thought that Quad had something to do with the ousting of Mariah. Mariah was the one that was responsible for Married to Medicine being born. What goes around comes around. Quad sadly does not think this Watch out Ms Quad God says Vengence is mine. Read your Bible

    2. I totally agree. I have always thought that Quad had something to do with the ousting of Mariah Watch out Ms Quad God says Vengence is mine. Read your Bible

    3. I swear I’ve been waiting for someone to address the real reason Quad is having all this bad luck with M2M. She turned on Mariah. Quad is not a victim and is indeed the reason she is having all of this bad luck. I wouldn’t care if she is never on tv again. All she wanted to do was get in the in crowd and hang around celebrities. She isn’t humble and her doing that funeral scene disgusted me. Nobody should play with death and she made a mockery of it. Not to mention whoever did her makeup and hair made her look casket sharp. Her makeup, hair, and speech all needs to be thrown in the trash. Quadriyyah Monique Webb needs to cut it out. Speaking like she’s from Alpharetta, GA when she is from the hoods of Memphis, TN. Girl goodbye!

  2. I think Quad should have been gone seasons ago. She’s not authentic and she’s not friends with any of these people. Maybe RHOA would be a better fit.

      1. Quad isn’t hilarious to me. She needs a lot of help. She brings nothing of substance to this platform. Should have been gone.

  3. Quad says 2 more episodes THIS season, so does that mean she is gone for good or just this season. It seemed to me that THIS season was emphasized and it might just be this season. I hope I’m wrong because she is a ME person and doesn’t care about anyone else. After all she threw her best friend to the wolves

    1. This should be permanent. QUAD is truly a different person now and has been for several seasons. She’s had a good run but that’s over it has ran out 🤦🏾‍♀️ sorry not sorry

      1. She needs to be gone. Ahe is no longer married to medicine. Should have been gone 2 seasons ago. She had nothing beneficial to add to the group. Kick phadrea off too. She us not married to medicine. Why put on these “Messy” people! I stopped watching because the dentist has a VERY Potty mouth!!!

  4. Bye Quad! Heavenly is talking about Quad, admitting that she is not really a friend. Heavenly and Quad were friends in hate for Mariah. Quad was Heavenly’s friend to have to connection with the women but she has Phadrea for that now.

  5. Quad is receiving her “ Karma “ for the mistreatment of Mariah which was Sneaky & Dirty !
    Quad ‘s time is up bow out with dignity… just go !

  6. You people don’t know nothing about Quad it’s just a reality show! Lighten up on Quad the other women’s is not innocent they did and said stuff to! What make them better than quad? I’m so surprise and disappointed in jackie talking behind quad back miss holy #fake

  7. Quad sat up there and helped an Indian couple pin robberies on a black couple and helped get the black creator kicked off her own show. F-ck her now and forever. The tears from her and her stans are delicious.

  8. This season has been pretty boring. The 2 additions, Phaedra and “Sweet Tea” appear not to fit in with this group of women at all.

  9. The whole show is a bunch of educated fools, except Toya, she is just a dumb fool. And that new girl(bitter tea) is plum ghetto. These girls got nothing positive going on on the show. They all messy.

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