‘Basketball Wives’ Highlights: Brooke & Evelyn Pile on Brandi for Not Icing Out Jackie

Brandi Maxiell Basketball Wives Season 11
Photo Credit: Vh1

On the latest episode of “Basketball Wives,” Brooke and Evelyn call out Brandi for not ending her friendship with Jackie. Here are highlights for, “Don’t Call Me Sweetie.”

Brooke opens up about her son’s battle with mental health issues.

In one scene, Brooke talks about the complexity of her possibly being a grandmother. Brooke tells Evelyn and her other friends that she has a nonexistent relationship with her son Shawn. When asked how old he was when Brooke first learned of his alleged mental issues, Brooke says he was 9. And he did something “horrific” and had to be institutionalized and placed on medication. If it’s true that he had a child recently, Brooke wants to be an active grandmother in the child’s life.

Christian’s past poses a problem for the wedding budget.

Jennifer and Christian have a tough conversation about finances before the meeting with their wedding planner. Christian admits he’s still paying the restitution fee for his arrest from ten years ago. He blocked his ex from leaving during an argument. As a result, Christian is on probation and owes a little under $250,000. He needs Jennifer to be mindful of this as she racks up more debt.

Brandi and Evelyn have a tense moment.

Jac’Eil confirms she didn’t invite Jackie to participate in her charity work out of respect for Brooke. Although Brooke was hoping this revelation would be a learning lesson for Brandi (she previously annoyed Evelyn and Brooke by inviting Jackie to her cookbook event), Brandi doesn’t catch on. Instead, she tells Evelyn she should have called Jackie’s friend Cheyenne out for not defending Jackie after Evelyn alleged she was arrested for prostitution. An argument ensues between Brandi and Evelyn, but the bad blood is placed on the back burner for now to focus on charity work.

Brooke questions Brandi’s loyalty.

After Evelyn and Brandi argue over loyalty in friendships, Brooke confronts Brandi about inviting Jackie to her cookbook celebration. She thinks all her friends should be on the same page about Jackie. And no one should be inviting Jackie anywhere.

In response, Brandi says she believes Jackie is capable of realizing when she’s wrong. So Brandi feels no need to ice her out. A heated Brooke storms off. Evelyn stays behind to call out Brandi for inviting Brooke’s “opp” to her event when they’re supposed to be friends. Brandi thinks the entire argument is silly and a bit childish. Evelyn doesn’t see it that way. She walks away after Brandi says Jackie has a good heart.


  1. Brandi is showing how to be mature in a relationship, because they can’t be friends with Jackie doesn’t mean she can’t be. Those are separate relationships. Brooke and Evelyn don’t have any interactions with Jackie when they are in the same place. Keep it classy and moving. See you and don’t see you.

  2. Maybe Jen needs to rethink this marriage with Christian. It’s bad when people know your intended and don’t want to see you get hurt behind what they may be hiding.

  3. Brook giggling with Evelyn as she talk about Brandi shows she doesn’t have any LOYALTY…I am sorry for her loss but gurrl it’s starting to feel like a STORYLINE just GET OFF the show and MOURN in peace.

  4. Brooke and Evelyn are the biggest bullies and mean girls on the show. I wish they would stop trying to justify their bad behavior by using their kids to manipulate sympathy. It is sad that Brooke’s daughter passed but please stop trying to capitalize on it. That is disgusting. Why should Brandi have a problem with Jackie because Brooke and Evelyn does. If there was an issue, Brandi should be able to resolve it the way that works for her. Brooke and Evelyn are so elementary.
    Brooke knows darn well that she was NOT that hurt because Brandi did not tell her that Jackie was invited to her dinner and it certainly didnt warrant the crocodile tears she tried to force out. If it was that big of a deal, she and Evelyn should have left as soon as they saw the place setting for Jackie. There was plenty of time to leave. For them to try to dictate who Brandi invites into her home is insane.

  5. Evelyn mad Brandi called her out, lol Evelyn is just a disgusting person, and these women are clearly scared of Evelyn except Jackie n Brandi lol

  6. Ii agree with Brandi, and I’m not a fan of hers, to ice someone out because others are is so immature and childish. I understand what Jackie said about Brooke’s situation and I would be hurt too. But to want someone to go along with what you’re doing is so grade school. As for Evelyn, she’s doing too much and the excuses she saying about w
    hy she’s investigating Jackie, REALLY EVELYN you’re about to be a grandmother grow up and be an adult.

  7. We all know …Jackie is a HOT MESS …she attacks everyone yet brooke and Evelyn should give her grace ….PLEASE….she’s been doing this for years attacking everyone then saying they are jealous of her ….please she’s the BULLY….to say what she said about Brook’s deceased daughter ….what she said about Evelyn’s daughter give me a break Jackie is the devil with those swagging breast….✅

  8. Evelyn and Brooke never said they didn’t want Brandi to be friends with Jackie, they simply asked her to not have Jackie in their presence. They have the right not to deal with someone they don’t like. If Brandi would’ve told them she was coming ahead of time, they would’ve had the option to come or not. You can’t push adults too be friends.

    1. Not true. Evelyn and Brooke don’t want anyone to be friends with Jackie and they want her completely off the show. Even Jac’Eil said in this last episode that she cut off Jackie for Brooke. Are you new to this show because this is literally the mean girl stuff Ev and Brooke have been doing for years. Brooke also participated in icing out Malaysia. They expect everyone to dislike who they don’t like. This isn’t new. It’s been the MO for Evelyn and Shaunie for over a decade. No one has to get permission from Ev or Brooke to do anything.

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