Towanda Braxton Opens up About Her Choice to Go Bald

Photo Credit: WE tv/YouTube

Towanda Braxton opens up about her health condition.

Braxton Family Values” ended before fans learned about Traci Braxton’s battle with cancer. So her passing was a complete shock. Towanda Braxton and Trina Braxton will open up about losing Traci tonight, on the series premiere of WE tv’s “The Braxtons.” Towanda also reveals the reason she cut off all of her hair. In a preview of the episode, Towanda says all the sisters agreed to go bald in support of Traci. Trina admits she didn’t go through with it because she believes her head is too round to rock the look. And she got this head shape from Evelyn Braxton.

In a green screen interview, Towanda confirms she has alopecia. The autoimmune disease made her insecure about her appearance.

“I hadn’t exactly told the world that I have alopecia. A lot of people assume a lot of different things. I took pride in how I looked. And I have to be honest, I didn’t think about my body,  what was going on in the inside. And that was oh my gosh, people are gonna know that I have Alopecia. Oh my God, maybe people aren’t going to like me anymore.”

Despite originally feeling insecure about losing her hair, Towanda is confident now.

After Trina asks Towanda how she’s feeling about her situation currently, Towanda says people either accept her reality or they don’t.

“I am who I am. You accept me or you just don’t accept me. It’s a part of who I am. I have alopecia. And that’s just it.”

Trina opens up about a touching moment that took place during Traci’s final days.

“There’s this video of Traci and she got her long, little skinny fingers and she’s just rubbing on Towanda’s head and Towanda has all these patches of missing hair. Traci would just rub it, just rub Towanda’s hair. Towanda cut off all her hair and Traci said that she should do it. And…I need a second ‘cause you not gon get me, you not gon get me today, Lord Jesus.”


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  1. I hate to say this but I’m not happy about this show coming back. I made it a BIG DEAL with WeTv because the cast EXCEPT Traci decided NOT to continue with the show. Now that she’s gone I’m OVER not watching it!

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