LHHATL Highlights: Kirk & Jasmine Face Off + Kendra & Joc Argue over Future Kids

Photo Credit: MTV/YouTube

On the latest episode of “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta,” tempers flare after the latest accusations about Kirk make it to Rasheeda. Plus, Kendra and Joc clash over her commitment to freezing her eggs. Here are the highlights of, “Pride & Precedents.”

Lil Zane makes his debut and opens up about his marriage.

Kirk and Joc catch up with Lil Zane. He still sees himself as a “heartthrob.” This is likely why his wife Ashley isn’t the only woman he’s sleeping with. Zane admits he’s also been messing around with his baby momma behind Ashley’s back. When Ashley joins the conversation, she quickly realizes Kirk and Joc aren’t the married men who will encourage Zane to be a better husband. Interestingly enough, Joc is certain that Zane’s biggest issue is he wants to keep a rapper lifestyle as a married man.

Spice is shaken up from a home invasion.

Rasheeda and Shekinah show up at Spice’s house to check on her. A robber broke into her house recently while she and her children were away. Her hair stylist was the only person there when the crime occurred. Considering her blowup with Karlie over her privacy, Spice feels her original concerns about people knowing where she lives were valid.

In a green screen interview, Rasheeda confirms she and Sierra went through the same experience. There is a robbery ring in Atlanta that seems to be targeting local reality stars.

Rasheeda has some digging to do.

Erica Dixon meets with Rasheeda to discuss what Jasmine told Momma Dee at her Mother’s Day celebration. She alleges that Kirk told Jasmine he would do more for their son if Jasmine slept with him again. Rasheeda refuses to be a part of foolishness for a second time. She will do some digging to find out the truth.

Kendra has second thoughts.

Spice hits up Kendra to look at a potential new house. Although Spice likes the property, it’s smaller than her current home. So it won’t work.

The ladies sit down to catch up. Spice is still recovering from the recent break-in. Kendra is frustrated with Joc. She’s changed her mind about not wanting biological children. But Joc isn’t on board with her freezing her eggs.

Ashley wants Zane to get the truth from his ex.

Zane and Ashley talk about their marriage. They have issues due to Zane being unfaithful. Their darkest time took place when Zane had an affair with his baby momma Michelle. Ashley isn’t certain they aren’t messing around now because Zane recently hung out with Michelle and wouldn’t answer his phone for hours. All Ashley wants is closure regarding Michelle’s seven-year-old son. The child has Zane’s last name but the rapper isn’t sure he’s the father. Ashley wants the child’s last name changed if Zane isn’t.

Rasheeda confronts Kirk.

After Erica informs Rasheeda about the allegations Jasmine made about Kirk, she confronts Kirk at their home. He denies hitting on Jasmine. Kirk is also convinced that Jasmine is single and miserable. Since he believes that Jasmine wants to ruin his marriage, Kirk promises Rasheeda that he will handle the situation.

Jasmine and Kirk clash.

Kirk’s meeting with Jasmine doesn’t go well. When Jasmine asks Kirk basic questions about their son like the name of his school and age, Kirk doesn’t know. Jasmine says the problem is Kirk doesn’t spend enough time with their son. Kirk believes Jasmine is asking for too much considering the child was conceived during an affair. He denies still wanting Jasmine. However, Jasmine reminds him, yet again, that they can play that game because she has text messages. Kirk says he doesn’t want to go down that road. She labels Kirk a liar before the conversation concludes.

Kendra and Joc have a blowup over having kids.

Joc and Kendra sit outside for a romantic moment but the tension builds when they discuss having kids. Kendra doesn’t understand why Joc doesn’t support her freezing her eggs. Joc thinks the process is unnecessary. He’d prefer to do things the more traditional way. Plus Joc can’t help but think this is a sign that Kendra will leave him at some point because she told him previously she didn’t want to have children with him.

Kendra denies that she wants to leave Joc. But she’s not about to go without having some type of “insurance policy” just in case he screws up again. She screams that Joc should leave her if he’s not going to step up and support her on this.

What are your thoughts on the episode?


  1. I believe Jasmine because Kirk started smiling hard the moment he saw her. Rasheeda refuses to leave him so I’m not angry on her behalf. Kendra screams in Joc’s face every season just to stay because as she said, she loves the lifestyle he provides. So I just don’t care about her rants anymore.

    1. Rasheeda and Kendra are so exhausting. They aren’t leaving but keep making their miserable marriages storylines. We’re all tired.

  2. Word on the street is that camron is Kirk’s grandson and not son. They only use it as a storyline

    1. The streets is saying the baby is NOT Kirk’’s child at all.
      It’s just a storyline for the show. This information was
      out when she was pregnant with the baby. Kirk cheats
      so much only those three knows the truth of it all.
      Kirk needs to stop cheating and his wifey needs to
      stop with the BS.

      1. I feel the same way because these story lines are TIRED! Production needs to make it where it’s REALLY interesting and we CARE! I have a heart for Spice even though she’s really annoying.

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