‘Basketball Wives’ Highlights: Shaunie’s New Book Causes Chaos During Cast Trip to Mexico

Photo Credit: VH1/YouTube

On the latest episode of “Basketball Wives,” Shaunie’s new book causes Evelyn to put Laura in the hot seat. Plus, Brandi breaks down. Here are the highlights of, “You Can’t Even Spell Wife.”

Jackie and Brooke make progress.

The episode begins with Brandi, Brooke, Jackie, and Laura catching up and enjoying the sun in Mexico. It’s surprising to see Brooke and Jackie be cordial. Laura says it’s a good time for Jackie to apologize to Brooke and hold herself accountable for her role in the demise of their friendship. 

Jackie and Brooke leave the other ladies to speak in private. They address the elephant in the room. Jackie apologizes for her past actions concerning Brooke’s daughter. Brooke says the main issue was Jackie didn’t take full accountability and wouldn’t admit to everything she said. She is willing to move forward with Jackie as long as she owns her wrongdoings. Jackie understands. They hug it out. But this comes up again when the group reunites for dinner.

Brooke confirms she and Jackie hashed things out. Jac’Eil and the others are relieved. Jackie nearly ruins the truce when she says her words were misunderstood. But she shifts the energy by kissing Brooke. 

Laura checks the group.

Evelyn and Brandi also have a peaceful moment. Realizing Brandi is sensitive about her marriage problems being thrown in her face, Evelyn apologizes for her remarks. While Brandi is willing to accept the apology, she isn’t convinced Evelyn won’t bring up her marriage again. Evelyn understands this and she is fine with proving herself with her actions. In a later conversation with Jennifer, Brandi admits the negative commentary on her marriage bothers her because she’s currently not in a good place with Jason.

The night becomes tense when Evelyn decides to play a little of Shaunie’s new audiobook. In the section, Shaunie discusses how she discovered Shaq was cheating many years ago. She alleges one of the women was one of her close friends at the time. When Jackie asks who Shaunie was talking about, Laura says Shaunie was likely referring to her. Jackie tries to ask Laura if the accusation is true and Laura tells Jackie to mind her business. Brandi attempts the same, and Laura reminds Brandi she doesn’t like when people discuss her marriage. So she should mind her business too. Laura then tells the entire group she won’t discuss this subject with anyone but Shaunie. But she owes the rest of them nothing. The table goes silent.

Jackie puts Evelyn on blast.

Later on, during a car ride, Jackie asks Laura and Cheyenne if they ever heard that it was Evelyn who slept with Shaq. Laura says she heard that before. But she’s close to Shaq and would never tell his business anyway. 

When the ladies come together to spend time on a yacht, Jackie says she heard it was Evelyn who slept with Shaq. And she asked Laura if she heard this rumor as well, which she did. Evelyn angrily tells Jackie to shut up. Laura says she also stressed that this was none of her business either way. 

Evelyn accuses Jackie of being messy. She denies sleeping with Shaq. Brooke accuses Jackie of making the rumor up in a green screen interview. However, Tami was the first to make the claim on the show years ago. And she alleged that Jennifer was her source.

In the present, Jennifer tells everyone to drop the topic because she and Evelyn hashed this out already.

Jackie and Cheyenne take on Brandi and Brooke.

Dinner is eventful, again. Jackie kicks things off by bringing up the tension she’s having with Evelyn. Evelyn wants to know why Jackie brought back up the Shaq rumor. Jackie says she was just being petty. Brandi questions if Laura or Jackie is responsible. Laura snaps at Brandi and accuses her of kissing ***. She also tells Brandi she should mind her business like she wants others to not discuss her marriage. Laura urges Brandi to drop the topic. 

Jackie also tells Brandi to move on and the conversation becomes a major blowup. Security steps in to prevent things from getting violent between Brandi and Jackie. When Cheyenne tries to help separate them, Brooke misreads this as Cheyenne trying to help Jackie jump Brandi. So Brooke tries to fight Cheyenne. Cheyenne tells Brooke to run up.

The episode ends with Brandi going off and screaming she hates Jackie for coming for her marriage.

What are your thoughts on the episode?


  1. Brandi needs to either get a divorce or get her a tag line that stops people right in their tracks talking about her marriage. She’s got to have a tougher skin. I don’t care if the tag is a lie come up with one for each of these chicks, they’ll get tired of it. But, she’s got to stop like she’s said what he did affecting her
    still. Their season may just be up & it’s time to move on cause she’s acting like it was yesterday poor thing.

  2. Brandi should have stayed off the show if she needed to fix problems with her husband. It was funny as hell when she tossed plates and drinks. Why hash out what happened years ago. Like grow up and Shaunie should be ashamed of herself for wanting that out there. Come on now

  3. Jackie is so great at what she does. She reminds me of NeNe sometimes. Jackie will do whatever is necessary for the show. That’s why she’ll never be fired. She knows how to keep it entertaining. Brandi really wanted to drag Laura but was too scared. So she went after Jackie instead. Brooke just wanted a moment because Cheyenne wasn’t trying to fight Brandi.

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