Despite the election of President Obama, HBCUs are still a vital part of the African American community. By: Amanda Anderson Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have been a major part of our culture for many years. While these institutions were created at a…

How to protect your relationship from the dangers of Facebook. By: Amanda Anderson Good old Facebook! It’s a great place to reconnect with long lost friends and family members, and it’s also a great place to end your relationship in front of your entire…

Research shows that cervical cancer can be caused by having multiple sex partners. By: Amanda Anderson Cervical Cancer is known as the silent killer of women of all backgrounds and racial groups. While it may not be the number one cause of death amongst…

Are you just throwing your money away? By: Amanda Anderson We live in a world where money is on just about everyone’s mind. The country is in one of the worst recessions in the nation’s history, and we are learning now more than ever…