Ratings: Rihanna’s 777 Documentary Flops

Photo Credit: @badgalriri Instagram
Photo Credit: @badgalriri Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Rihanna is without a doubt one of the biggest artists in the music industry as of right now, and when she usually adds her name to something, it’s expected to be a success. Rihanna has already had lots of success with her fashion collection with River Island in which pieces sold like crazy online and at retail stores, but she had an even bigger week with her partnership with MAC Cosmetics as her signature “RiRi Woo” lipstick sold out online in only three hours. Clearly, Rihanna’s fans are loyal and we totally understand why she has decided to affectionately refer to them as the Navy, so it’s shocking to learn that her 777 Documentary which just aired a couple of days ago on FOX did pretty dismal in ratings. Although many expected Rihanna’s numbers to be higher than Beyonce’s were for her HBO documentary Life is But a Dream considering that Rihanna’s special aired on a major network, Rihanna fell short. Hip Hop Wired reports:

Rih Rih’s mini-documentary snatched 1.8 million in the target demo, a ratings massacre in comparison to NBC’s The Voice, which had 11.9 million viewers. Overall the Fox network finished a distant fourth place among its network competitors.

Aside from being a “flop,” 777 didn’t fare well with critics either. The Hollywood Reporter noticed that one very big part of the tour (the journalists on board going crazy) was given a new flip. “Instead of revealing the entertaining tumult that characterized the 777 Tour, the documentary crew has chastened the experience in the editing room, glossing over the rioting incident and the long hours spent waiting around for Rihanna to finish lingerie shopping in Paris.”


  1. Makes sense. Rihanna is not a strong performer, so her documentary wouldn’t do well. People want to watch people who can put on a real show and not just strut on stage and grab their crotch in cute outfits all night.

  2. Rihanna’s own fans know her performances aren’t worth a documentary I see. However, I’d tune in if she ever did a reality show that wasn’t centered around her “performance abilities.” She’s a riot personality wise.

    1. Rihanna slays in what matters…SINGLES!!! Who cares about ratings for a documentary? That means nothing.

    2. Rihanna is slaying in concerts, singles, albums, Mac, River Island, twitter, Facebook, and etc. You do the math and divided by 10. I watch the video and Boston on YouTube and no one booed her instead they were singing along. All the Rhanna haters need to stop clicking on links that are about her. Why spend so much time on people you are clearly jealous of but that’s what haters do spend seconds that turn into minutes, minutes that turn into hours, hours that turn into days, days that turn into weeks, weeks that turn into months, months that turn into years, years that turn into decades and decades that turn into century’s hating on somebody who doesn’t even know that you exsist. Therefore you waisted a lifetime hating why she been slaying and getting money at the same damn time. Word to the slow don’t waist so much time on somebody you care absolutely nothing about because you could of been making money like her. Rihanna stressing about yall all she see is signs. It makes you look foolish and obsessed. #TeamNavyAllDay 75 Million Dollars Made she slaying more than you right? Haters don’t get paid to hate keep your day job.

      1. She definitely got booed. I was there. It was at the very beginning. Navy was tweeting about it too. I agree with everything else you said though.

  3. Ouch. Meh, it was about her tour. That alone didn’t sound interesting because she’s no Beyonce or Micheal Jackson. Now if she did one on her life, more people would tune in for that I think.

  4. She can’t even show up to her own concerts on time, so who on Earth wants to watch an entire “documentary” on her concerts? Not me, and obviously not most people.

  5. Of course it flopped. She may think she’s better than Beyonce, but she’s really not. She has her own lane and selling out world tours in minutes and bringing in record breaking ratings for a documentary is not her lane, that’s Bey’s lane. 😉

      1. No, The Navy is just that delusional. Your fave tried to come for Bey and now you’re all confused about where your place is. Now you know.

      2. I will never compare Beyonce to Rihanna, cuz there isn’t nothing to compare…Beyonce is way better as an artist that Rihanna will ever be…Now you tell me if Rihanna wasn’t beautifull or had this bad girl image, and showing her body,etc…would she be this big?No, remember in the begining of her career she presented herself as this cute, lovely girl,but only after the good girl gone bad, that she explode in the music world…..It took her 7 yrs to reach a #1 album, 7 yrs that she never took a break, cuz if she ever took a break she would be replace in a minute….I used to be a fan of her music, but after her latests attitudes, not any more, cuz I can’t stand :arrogant,childish,bully people……..

  6. It’s so annoying that stans of Bey and Rih won’t let both be great at the same time. There’s room for both to slay and we NEED both to slay!!!! Black women stop doing this!!!!

  7. Why compare any of these singers they are all in there on lane. Bey and Rihanna both are on top of the game. Bey has her fans and so does Rihanna. Every time I turn on the radio it’s at least 2 to 3 Rihanna songs playing. Also the time her Docunentary was on so was Love and Hip Hop ATL. I honestly didn’t see any advertisment for her documentary until the day before.

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