Mimi Finds Joy in Stevie J. and Joseline’s Relationship Problems

Photo Credit: @mimifaust Instagram
Photo Credit: @mimifaust Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Mimi Faust and Stevie J.’s 15 year on and off relationship has been nothing but a mess considering Stevie hasn’t been very good at being faithful. The producer also seems to enjoy sideline romances with some of the female artists that he works with and his secret romance with Joseline Hernandez became one of the biggest storylines of season one of “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta.” Stevie’s attempt to continue to have romances with both Mimi and Joseline at the same time is pretty much how the infamous love triangle came into place, but by the end of the first season, Mimi had finally made the decision to get off of Stevie’s bus.

Joseline remained a passenger, but once she realized Stevie was still trying to have some sort interaction with Mimi that made her feel uncomfortable, she decided to give him an ultimatum. With the ultimatum, Joseline told Stevie she’d leave him alone romantically and professionally if he didn’t put an end to the drama with Mimi. Stevie’s choice was easy considering Mimi had already hopped off the bus, but with the introduction of Che Mack and Stevie’s over-friendliness, once again Joseline and Stevie are having problems.

Of course it also doesn’t help that Stevie bought Che a television, and when Joseline got the news about the TV she went off on Stevie and told him he was fired on the last episode.

Mimi took to her Twitter account to give her two cents on the situation and appears to have found some joy out of all of it. Hinting that Joseline is just getting back what she deserves, Mimi tweets (read from top to bottom):

mimi faust twitter

mimi faust twitter 2


  1. After watching last night Mimi needs to focus on her own relationship problems instead of Stevie J and Joseline she just ignores all the obvious signs the same game but a guy w/ a different name.

  2. It’s like Mimi can’t see her own problems…does she not see that Nikko isn’t any better? lol

  3. Mimi really needs to move on because it’s clear Stevie don’t want her. Them little test to see if he can still pull MiMi is game and she blushes every time. I have seen Stevie more affectionate and considering of Joseline feelings then he has ever been with MiMi.

    1. Because he boughther a car that makes her the main chick? She is a baby momma. Please go follow MiMi, Stevie, and Joseline Instagram so you can see who he is with on the daily. It’s one picture of MiMi on Stevies page and its about co-parenting. Joseline is on most of his pictures kissing and vacationing. Please, even Ray Charles can see this season who he is with and in bed with and who feelings he cares most about. He clearly told Karlie Red if you mess up me and Joseline’s relationship its going to be some problems,(he didn’t use that same response for MiMi) he lost a fake friend Benzino over her, he ask could he work with Shay Mack just to get her respect. He never ask MiMi. Stevie clearly said in therapy last year he is not in love with MiMi and it shows. MiMi is hopeless if she still believes in her head she is anybodies main chick including Nikko’s. Mimi is the side chick waiting when Stevie is avaible to give her time again like she has did for 15years. While he was dating Eve and Whoopi Goldberg daughter. Come on even a dog get tired of bein treated like Sh!+.

      1. I agree that Stevie did all those things but…I believe that Stevie J. eyes are opening up about Mi Mi because of Joseline. Joseline was the freak that was ghetto, semi-attractive, with a fat butt, that did not mind if he had sex with other women ” as long as he shared with her”. But as we all know there are two kind women: Those you date and those you marry. I might be the only one, but I pray that Mi Mi and Stevie J. work it out, and his cheating days are over. And I feel we need to pray for Stevie, Joseline, and Mi Mi because all of them have some issues.

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