Serena Williams Suffers Backlash for Comments on Steubenville Rape Case

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Ever had a moment when you realized you probably said something you shouldn’t have, no matter how much you believe it to be true? We’re pretty sure Tennis superstar athlete Serena Williams is having one of those moments. During a recent interview with The Rolling Stone, Serena shared her thoughts on the high profile and very controversial Steubenville rape case. And just to give you all a little background information on the case, a 16-year-old girl was raped by her high school peers while she was drunk and drugged. The sexual assault was documented by video and uploaded to various forms of social media and watched as if it was some form of entertainment by ignorant teens. In Serena’s comments, the tennis star said what many felt was a swipe at the victim. According to many, the tennis queen basically blamed the young victim for being raped.

When asked if the teenage boys’ criminal punishment was fair, Serena says:

“Do you think it was fair, what they got? They did something stupid, but I don’t know. I’m not blaming the girl, but if you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you—don’t take drinks from other people. She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember? It could have been much worse. She’s lucky. Obviously I don’t know, maybe she wasn’t a virgin, but she shouldn’t have put herself in that position, unless they slipped her something, then that’s different.”


Ever since news spread about Serena’s comments, she’s been getting dragged ferociously on Twitter. Here’s some of the angry tweets:

It’s bad enough hearing men blame the Steubenville rape on the victim, but you too @serenawilliams?

Jesus wept. Any respect I had for Serena Williams has gone out the window.

really disappointed that @serenawilliams made those comments about the Steubenville rape victim. lost a ton of respect for her.

Biggest twitter jacka*s today? @serenawilliams with her idiotic blame-the-victim comments re #Steubenville football rapes. Just plain stupid

@serenawilliams U R ignorant idiot! unconsciousness is NOT a form of consent-regardless of age/sobriety. #rapedefender #ignorant #shameonU

Serena Williams should stick to tennis & shut her mouth, rape is never excusable. Alcohol doesn’t give anyone a pass to violate another

Serena Williams should not put herself in the position of blaming victims. Her parents should have taught her better. End of.


Of course there were some people who support her opinion:

@serenawilliams Do not back down. Young girls must take charge of their own bodies + be responsible for their behavior – same as young men.



Serena wasted no time and released a public statement to clarify her comments:

“What happened in Steubenville was a real shock for me. I was deeply saddened. For someone to be raped, and at only sixteen, is such a horrible tragedy! For both families involved – that of the rape victim and of the accused. I am currently reaching out to the girl’s family to let her know that I am deeply sorry for what was written in the Rolling Stone article. What was written – what I supposedly said – is insensitive and hurtful, and I by no means would say or insinuate that she was at all to blame.

I have fought all of my career for women’s equality, women’s equal rights, respect in their fields – anything I could do to support women I have done. My prayers and support always goes out to the rape victim. In this case, most especially, to an innocent sixteen year old child.”

What are your thoughts? Did Serena make a point in her original comments or was she out of line and deserving of a dragging?


  1. I agree with the whole a 16 year old shouldn’t be drinking and going to parties part BUT these young boys had no right to do what they did. She in essence did blame the victim. I’m sure she didn’t mean to, but she did. I know I want to raise my young daughters to not place themselves in dangerous conditions and to trust no one. But I want to also teach my young sons not to take advantage of a woman even if it’s easy to do.

  2. I would take being rich anyday without being a public figure. It so sad that these public figures cannot have their own opinion. If they say something that the public doesn’t like or accept they have to retract their statement. Serena I feel just the same as you, and if any magazine ask me (psych) I will tell them the BOYS ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE TO BLAME…. Even though that does not make the situation right….

    This girl used to always bother me in my neighborhood. She bothered me on the wrong day. She slapped me in my face, and I beat the brakes off her.. I get arrested because I lost the fight and the girl had bruises and blood everywhere.. Even though the case did not hold,,, The fact is that I got arrested because I won the fight, even though she slapped me and bothered me every single day.

    My point is just because you got the short end of stick doesn’t make you the victim..

  3. I think Serena has a point BUT she shouldn’t have said that publicly. Where are these stars PR people to teach these people the “political correct” way of saying things.

  4. I don’t think a kid should be drinking at 16 and having sex at parties but being drunk doesn’t give them a pass to rape someone. It’s sickening that women get blamed for such heinous crimes that are done to them.

  5. But she told the damn truth!!!! Why can’t celebs say the truth without getting dragged? Damn!

  6. I agree with her. I’m not saying the boys were not wrong because they were but it’s stupid to drink so much that you lose focus of your actual surroundings. Women need to make sure we’re not putting ourselves in dangerous situations! It’s not really blame but a just an extra precaution. You can’t trust anyone or give people the benefit of the doubt anymore.

  7. Serena does have a point. That girl needed to have better awareness and not be around those boys in that instance. With that being said, those boys that that did this to her need to be stoned to death.

  8. What the hell was Serena thinking? These white folks are about to crucify her and put her on the finished list.

  9. I don’t care if you are drunker than a skunk, butt naked in a club showing all the goodies, you never deserve to be raped.

  10. I agree with Serena. The boys were wrong but I kept asking myself why on earth was she even there, why was she drunk, and where were her parents? Parents have to get raw with their kids and talk to them about these possible situations. I’m grown and when I’m out, I watch my drink like a hawk. I trust no one with my life.

  11. I honestly don’t see what she said wrong. She did say they were wrong if they drugged her and tool advantage while she wasn’t in a good state. But why was a 16 year old getting dunk though and even at a party to begin with? That is the biggest question I have.

  12. The victim should never be blamed for being raped! Men never have the right to hurt women! Rather it’s physically, sexually or emotionally!

  13. I get what she was trying to say. But this just wasn’t smart. People don’t like to hear such polarizing opinions about touchy topics.

  14. She left out a really important aspect of her public statement. She should have continued that fact that she has worked for women’s rights and equality by saying that in equality as women we have to take responsibility for our actions. Yes the boys were totally in the wrong for taking advantage of the girl but the girl was also wrong in putting herself in a position to be taken advantage of to the point that she can’t remember.

    The question was about the appropriateness of the boys punishment which in Serena’s eyes depended on the shared responsibility of the victim.

    A pedestrian gets hit by a speeding car outside of a crosswalk do we only blame the driver for speeding or do we also address the pedestrian not using the crosswalk?

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