Mimi Faust Explains Why She Breastfed Her Daughter for Three Years, Shows off New Boobs

Photo Credit: VH1
Photo Credit: VH1

By: Taren Vaughan

Mimi Faust breast implants became the talk surrounding the reality TV star after last night’s episode of “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta.” Although Mimi Faust and Stevie J. aren’t together anymore as he is romantically involved with Joseline Hernandez at the moment, they will always share something very special with each other, their 3-year-old daughter Eva. And as Mimi takes her role as a mother very seriously, she felt it was about time that she did something for herself and decided to go and get her breasts done. Mimi’s move to get a boob job wasn’t what shocked viewers the most. They were more so shocked over Mimi saying she breastfed her and Stevie’s daughter for three years. Mimi chatted with VH1 about nursing her daughter Eva for such a lengthy amount of time and explains why she had to do so.

On breastfeeding her daughter Eva for three years and her refusal to eat baby food, Mimi says:

“Let me tell you,” Mimi said, “my daughter wouldn’t eat, all she wanted was breast milk. She was really adamant about not eating baby food, she just wanted breast milk. I wish I would have brought my Flip Cam, I have video of when I tried to feed her baby food. She was like ‘Nope, I’m not eating that!’ But when she grew in teeth and was, you know, asking for it, I said enough is enough. When you’re asking for the boob…yeah.”

As for her boob job, Mimi seems to be very pleased with how things turned out. Check out a photo of Mimi showing off her newly lifted “girls” below:

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram


  1. Her boob job is nice because it’s not too much for her size. But she’s still insane for breastfeeding that long.

  2. They don’t look bad at all. But they aren’t going to give her the confidence she probably wishes she had.

  3. I’m not surprised Mimi’s weak a-s breastfed for three years because her daughter refused to eat solid foods. Typical Mimi antics.

  4. Ice T’s wife Coco needs to learn from this. You get surgery to enhance…not invent. That heffa walks around looking like a human blow up doll. Gross.

  5. why is everyone hating on Mimi as if she is the only one that makes bad decisions and stays with a cheating man. It is so easy to judge someone else…… so easy but everyone is glorifying Joselyn for not giving a flying f who she hurts in her road to success. Just saying do not judge based on what u feel is right or wrong because it is just an opinion and not a fact. How many of u have broken up with a cheating boyfriend ,baby father, husband as soon as u heard it happened

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