By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The Frank Ocean and Chris Brown beef continues. R&B singer Chris Brown and Frank Ocean made headlines when they got into a pretty serious brawl in the parking lot of a recording studio months ago, and with Chris Brown still being under intense scrutiny for assaulting Rihanna in 2009, many saw the incident as proof that the singer still has severe anger issues. Chris’ camp claimed it was Frank Ocean who actually initiated the confrontation, but Frank Ocean filed a police report and claimed it was Chris and his entourage who threw the first punch. In the end, Frank decided against filing charges against Chris, but it’s pretty clear he hasn’t let the situation go either. Frank has been singing about that infamous night in some of his new music and with his cousin’s recent decision to sue Frank’s nemesis, the timing for Frank Ocean’s new musical diss towards Chris Brown couldn’t be any more interesting.
Frank Ocean makes an appearance on Earl Sweatshirt’s new song entitled “Sunday,” and in the song Frank decides to rub his success in Chris Brown’s face. The Huffington Post reports:
Here’s “Sunday,” a newly released cut off the upcoming LP that features Frank Ocean. Quick highlights: Earl slow-talking through a brooding hook (“All my dreams got dimmer when I stopped smoking pot / Nightmares got more vivid when I stopped smoking pot”) and Frankie recounting details from his parking lot fight with Chris Brown (“He called me faggot, I was just calling his bluff … Why his mug all bloody? That was a 3-on-1”).
Of course, Frank got his revenge a few months later: “Standing ovation at Staples I got my Grammys and gold.”
Check out the track below:
Frank is such an attention whore. He’s not all that great as a singer, so he instead uses his sexuality and “beef” with Chris to stay relevant. It sucks because Miguel had a way better CD than him.
I’m so tired of Frank Ocean. I really want him to take a long break from music. He overshadowed more talented people.
Why won’t he move on from this? The more he keeps talking about the Chris, the more I start to believe he actually started that fight.
This! He’s acting like the aggressor with all this taunting.
He is so obsessed with Chris Brown. He just refuses to let it go.
Frank Ocean is a lackluster singer who had to come out the closet to make it big because he couldn’t have done it without talent alone. I just hope Chris continues to ignore him.
LOL You mad?!
Every last comment on this post said the same thing. So why come for them just because the Name says “Team Breezy?”
Frank only got that grammy because he came out the closet. Miguel is better.
Sis please stop. Chris ain’t thinking about you.
Ugh I’m ready for Frank’s 15 to be up. I never got the hype anyway.
Anybody who doubts Frank is gay should be convinced now. Because this is first rate Queenish behavior. Still mad at an incident months later what man does that? I’m starting to think he wants Chris if y’all know what I mean.
Time to get off Chris’ nuts Frank.
Frank needs Chris to stay relevant and sell his crappy albums!
I didn’t even listen to the song. Go away Frank.
This is dumb.
Frank, it’s never too late to grow up. You waited how long to talk about it? Then put it in a wack a-s song? Don’t look bitter trying to help your cousin’s little lawsuit.
Run Forrest, Run WTF