By: Taren Vaughan
Chris Brown has never been one to hold back his feelings when it comes to how he is portrayed in the media. The singer told JET Magazine in an interview that he feels he is treated unfairly over his 2009 assault of Rihanna while other big time stars don’t catch nearly as much heat for the things they have done in the past. Chris recently spoke on the incident with Rihanna again and revealed a shocking bit of info about his s*x life as the singer says he lost his virginity at 8 years old to a 14-year-old.
Many people have been sharing their thoughts on Chris’ latest confession including blogger Perez Hilton and talk show host Wendy Williams. Perez recently stopped by “The Wendy Williams Show” for the segment “Inside Scoop with Perez Hilton” and offered his opinion on the latest celebrity news. And Chris Brown losing his virginity at 8 years old happened to be one of the topics Perez spoke about with Wendy. While Perez says Chris losing his virginity to a 14-year-old was “very inappropriate,” he also says Chris Brown has half a brain:
“Oh boy, Chris Brown has been rather quiet lately until now. He doesn’t give many interviews for good reason because he always gets into trouble when he does so…In this new interview, he talks about a lot of things…He reveals that he lost his virginity when he was just 8 years old. [He lost it to a] 14 year old girl which is very inappropriate because at 14 you should know better than to get together with an 8-year-old, which I find really revealing and telling, the fact that now he’s describing it in a such a way as ‘Yeah, doing it that young helped me be a beast at it and the best at it. Chris Brown has a disease. His disease is…he has half a brain. I really think he has half a brain. It’s not working properly. And I don’t say that to be mean…”
Perez also says he doesn’t think Chris Brown thinks realistically when it comes to some of the thoughts he has of himself:
“He just does not have a grasp of reality. He says were it not for the Rihanna incident that he would be bigger than life…He’s talented but bigger than life?”
Chris Brown took the high road after Wendy Williams dragged him on her show over his comments about Jay Z. But he did have a few words for Perez and didn’t spare Wendy this time around (Read from bottom to top):
Peep the clip below:
Well damn Chris. LOL!
Perez told the truth about Chris and yall know it! He always opens up his mouth and shows how ignorant he is!
And Rihanna opens up her LEGS to show how ignorant she is. #shrugs
That really wasn’t necessary. The post is about Chris Brown, not Rihanna. Can’t you take one day off or is that too hard to ask? Smh.
Yall can dish it but cannot take it. Just like Rihanna. Hilarious.
Exactly! Everytime a post is about Chris Brown, here comes this chick to bring Rihanna up.
Why is it so wrong for women to be sexy and like sex?! I swear some of you were born in the 1930s! Miserable souls!
Agreed. They need to do like my name and get busy so they won’t have to look down on other women who are getting theirs so much.
You mean if more of us took a page out of your fave’s book and became whores…no thanks. I enjoy respecting myself. I’ll have to pass.
It’s one thing to like sex. It’s another to have it with anyone that gives you a little attention. You both should grow up and stop trying to make irresponsibility for your fave popular or excusable. It isn’t going to happen.
He has to stop letting people get a reaction out of him. Perez loves it when he gets a response, Wendy too. All Chris did was feed the trolls.
LOL. Chris can read when he wants to. I’m over here chuckling at those tweets.
Who do Wendy and Perez think they are to always speak on someone else’s life with so much authority? They both have skeletons in their closets too! Perez just got ran out of LA and Wendy is married to an abusive control freak who cheats. They need to get their own lives in order before they speak on anyone else’s.
The more he responds, the more they will target him for ratings.
Oh Chris lol
Although Perez is a troll, he’s got a point. It’s disturbing that Chris lost his virginity at 8 years old! And then he lost it to someone almost twice his age. That’s disgusting. It explains why he has so many issues now. He was raped and he didn’t even realize it.
8 is too young to be having sex. That 14 year old female was a predator period.
8 years old though? That’s not ok. Chris probably doesn’t see what’s wrong with that because he’s a guy and guys think having sex is the manly thing to do, but that’s just sad.
Does Chris not understand he was raped? Wow.
8 years old! I know I wasn’t thinking about no sex at 8! Get some counseling Chris!
Gross. Can someone say raped!!!!
I’d like to know why Chris even said all of that. The world didn’t need to know when he lost his virginity. Some things you keep to yourself.
8 years old, what a sick world we live in.
It’s sad Chris takes pride in losing his virginity so young.
This is stupid. I wish these people would find a new celeb to keep dragging in the dirt. Chris Brown has been a punching bag since the Rihanna thing. Rihanna has moved on and Chris should be able to too. And I get that he’s messed up since that, but name one human being you know that has only made one mistake in life and remained perfect thereafter. You can’t, can you. Let him live and do what he loves…music. Time to move on folks.
I agree
Chris Brown needs to shut up and grow up! Chris Brown is an arrogant brat that don’t take any responsibility for himself. Whenever something goes on with him he want to point fingers at everybody else; “Nobody doesn’t bring up Jay Z’s past”, take responsibility for yourself! Perez was rude but than again he is rude and arrogant to everybody; Perez is a goofy brat. Wendy tells it like it is and keeps it real. Wendy has no problems owning up to her past and its her job to read and critique people, she is a talk show host that specializes and celebrity topics! If you want to hear more about politics than watch The View. Losing his virginity at eight I think cause Chris a mild case of psychosis where he feels that he has to be cocky and forceful towards women to overcome the flashbacks of being overpowered by the teenage girl that rape him. I’m sure everybody seen Chris Brown impressive package online by now which he confirmed it was legit, showing of his cockiness in more ways than one. He might look sexy on the outside and have a magic stick but is deeply disturb on the inside and needs to seek professional help.
I remember when I was younger I had a huge crush on him. Now at 20 I wouldnt date him even if showed interest in me. If he just did the adult thing and not react to everything may be he’d be taken serious. He needs to get a counselor or therapist, go to one of them atleast twice a week, and stay out of the spotlife for a while. He’s slowly killing his image