By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Keyshia Cole has never been one to hold her tongue or keep it politically correct on her social media accounts. In fact, Twitter has been the place the R&B singer has opted to use when she called out Beyonce for her “Bow Down” lyrics, and it’s also the platform she uses frequently to air out her marriage problems.
And occasionally Keyshia has also used Twitter to put some of her own fans and critics in check.
Recently the singer made headlines when she appeared to threaten to block a fan after they tried to tweet her some encouragement and even suggested she should fight for her marriage to Daniel Gibson (read tweets from top to bottom):
The fan later apologized to Keyshia and Keyshia graciously accepted, but she now says she responded the way she did because she felt the fan was being judgmental:
I don’t see how the fan was being judgmental. I just think Keyshia is real sensitive about her marriage. But if she didn’t tweet and IG about it all the time, none of her fans would feel the need to talk to her about it on Twitter, right?
Oh girl whatever! If you weren’t airing out your marriage problems on Twitter all day your fans wouldn’t feel the need to encourage you! Get some business about yourself and hop off Twitter!
LOL pretty much.
There was nothing out of line with the fan’s tweet.
Keyshia confuses me. Now she doesn’t mind airing out her issues with Daniel every day on Twitter, but it’s not ok for her fans to ask/tweet her about it? Weird.
Thank you.
Keyshia does this whenever someone tells her A) she needs to fight for her marriage or B) her husband was a good man. I just wish she would shut up and drop another album already. I’m sick of her and Boobie’s drama.
She just needs to go back to Oakland, get off Twitter, lock herself in a studio and make some soulful music.
Have they divorced yet? It’s time for her to move on, Boobie too. They are dragging this out and it’s annoying. I really want Keyshia to stop putting their issues out on social media. It’s getting old.
She needs some class.
I definitely don’t see how the person was being judgmental. They just said she and Boobie should fight for their marriage. Keyshia is just really quick to get mad as usual.
The truth hurts and in Keyshia’s case, the truth makes her angry.
I’m so over Keyshia and her Twitter behavior.
That tweet was nothing to get mad about. If anything all of this just shows Keyshia is still insecure about everything that’s going on. I don’t know why she nor Boobie have filed those papers yet. What are they waiting for? Neither one of them wants to work it out, so why waste any more time?
*scratches head* So how was that tweet judgmental again?
I don’t feel the tweet was disrespectful. I just hope Keyshia realizes that she’s hurting herself by going off on her own fans and constantly tweeting about her marriage to Daniel.