By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
It’s pretty much that time of the year for rumors to start circulating regarding just who will get invited back to do another season of “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” and it’s expected that contracts will be negotiated soon and some pink slips will be issued out too.
NeNe Leakes and Kenya Moore can’t stand each other, but it’s pretty safe to say both will most likely be back next season since they have been in the middle of the most drama this season thus far.
And with Phaedra Parks and her hubby Apollo heading to court soon to fight Apollo’s identity theft and bank fraud charges, some suspect Phaedra will not be back. But some do think the drama surrounding Apollo’s legal troubles could make for good TV.
It’s been rumored since Porsha’s first season that she would not get invited back, but with her now trying to launch a singing career, we can see her coming back for another season.
But it’s NeNe Leakes’ recent tweets that has some folks thinking Cynthia Bailey is actually the housewife on the chopping block.
After Cynthia tweeted some shade for NeNe, NeNe responded and minutes later said someone may not be back next season (read tweets from bottom to top):
Yeah and she did an interview a couple of days ago talking about what she plans to do after RHOA and that she will be replaced with someone more interesting. It definitely sounds like Cynthia is gone. Funny because Peter did the most to save her.
Yeah I read that. I thought that was very odd. She’s never said anything like that before. I guess she really is on the chopping block.
She can go! Her husband is a mitch and he’s nothing but a gossipy and nosey man! He acting a plum fool just to keep them on the show, so it would be funny as hell if they did get the boot!
This is my prediction. Cynthia will get fired and so will Phaedra. They might bring Monique in and keep Porsha because she’s now the divorcee trying to launch a singing career. NeNe and Kenya will stay because they are beefing. Kandi will stay because we will see her adjust to her new marriage to Todd. But Cynthia is boring and Peter does too much. It is time for them to go.
Mynique is more boring than Cynthia though.
Thank you boo. I thought I was the only one who felt that way for a second. LOL.
Good riddance.
Cynthia is the most dangerous kind of messy out of everyone. At least with everyone else, they don’t try to hide the fact that they are messy. But Cynthia will start up a big mess all the time and not even be around when it hits the fan. Then she acts like she doesn’t understand how things popped off when she started it. That’s so annoying to me.
AMEN!!! Had not for Cynthia’s diarrhea of the mouth, a lot of the drama this season wouldn’t have happened. She let Nene and Kenya both take the blame for a a lot of the mess, when she was the cause.
Yeah if NeNe is over her, it’s not a good sign. I think NeNe and Peter are the only two reasons she’s been on the show this long. Cynthia is fabulous but she’s boring! Her personality is dry and she’s very two faced and shady.
I like Cynthia, so I do hope she stays. It’s just Peter is really doing too much and he’s making it hard for me to root for them this season. Peter is in the middle of everyone’s business, no other husband/man is doing it but him.
I told y’all they are going to take Cynthia’s peach and just give it to Peter.
Well this explains why Peter has been going so hard lately. Cynthia is two steps away from being replaced and he’s trying to save that check.
Oh yes just go! Take your annoying husband with you too! It’s time for the cast to dramatically be changed. Keep NeNe and Kenya…then get rid of everyone else. Bring Marlo in for more action as well. But you have to keep NeNe and Kenya because they cause the most drama and they have the most fans!
They need to get rid of Kenya. She has no man, no husband, no career, no nothing. She doesn’t even live in ATL. She lives in LA! Why the hell is she on the show anyway? Anytime we hear about her it’s because she’s in someone else’s business because she has none of her own. Put her messy a-s on LHHATL or LHHLA and call it a day.
Sad…nobody likes to get fired…. BUT THE SNITCH (Cynthia)… THE B-TCH (Peter) need to EXIT… SAD again that Kenya will be returning… THIS women has the H O T S for APOLLA…otherwise…all that bad mouthing she does about this man…in his face…when opportunity presents itself….
I wouldn’t be surprised if they got rid of Cynthia. But I’m shocked NeNe is so done with her. I didn’t see that one coming.
They need to fire everyone and get a whole new cast. I’m tired of all these chicks.
I knew it.
I see NeNe knew better than to pretend like Kenya was the one being let go. *sips tea*
Yeah I think it’s time. Peter is just really making me not care for either one of them. And I don’t buy for a second that he doesn’t discuss his little plans for creating drama with her. She’s in on it too. He does all her dirty work while she plays dumb. Too bad everyone is starting to see through it.
Cynthia is messier than Kenya. At least Kenya owns her stuff!
She owns her stuff? Since when?
Who told you that lie?
they definitely will keep peter though. he’s interesting for TV