Joseline Hernandez Checks Mimi Faust

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Mimi Faust spent the majority of the first two seasons of LHHATL calling Joseline Hernandez out for being a stripper and hooker in her past, so to most it just seems pretty hypocritical that she turned around and made p*rn with Nikko.

Joseline happens to agree that Mimi is a bit of a hypocrite and she tells Atlanta Daily World that someone Mimi’s age should be past making raunchy videos:

“That body was skinny. Them t*tties were long. Them legs were skinny. I was done and over with it and I couldn’t take it no more. I’m glad she showed the world how unsexy and dumb she is because all the time she talks about Joseline’s a stripper. B**ch, I was a stripper, I was young when I was stripping. I’m still young and I’m not stripping, and now I’m on to different and better things. That’s what she would be doing. Instead of doing some graphic work because you and your boyfriend looked a hot mess.”

And Joseline says she wasn’t impressed by the infamous shower rod scene either:

“Why would you be holding on to a shower curtain? I’m confused. That’s intense. And, they was at Motel 6. That didn’t look like a high-class hotel.”

Stevie J added his two cents and said he can’t really understand how Mimi says she is making so much money from the video since it’s already being bootlegged and sold at barber shops:

“No, no, no. If she knows me, she knows that wouldn’t get back at me. Why would you get back at me when we have a 4-year-old daughter? That’s not the way to do it. I felt like, they wanted to keep up with the Jordans and they thought they were gonna get a big pay-day. They know that this is a black market they’re dealing with. Steve Hirst should know better than if you’re dealing with top A-list, you’re gonna come up with the biggest bootleg in history. They’re already selling the joint at the barbershop.”

And here’s the kicker. Stevie and Joseline also recently told Big Tigger via V-103 that they know for a fact that Mimi and Nikko were only offered $100,000 for their video because Vivid Entertainment came to them first and offered them a deal after the first season. But Stevie and Joseline claim they turned down the offer because the money wasn’t good enough and they weren’t that desperate to have a storyline.



  1. I never thought I would say this but I actually agree with Joseline on this. You’re pretty much allowed to do dumb things like sex tapes when you’re young, but in your mid 40s is desperate as hell. Like someone on here said, Mimi is hustling backwards while Joseline is hustling forward.

  2. A season ago you would have never convinced me that Joseline would end up looking smarter than Mimi but alas…that’s where we are.

  3. Why does she even care what Mimi’s dumb a-s does. If she wants to get pimped out by her gay boyfriend, let her. It’s a free country.

  4. Mimi is desperate and wanted a storyline. Everyone can see this except her three fans. It’s cool though. It’s her life and she’s the one that has to live with this 20 years from now when the show is long gone.

  5. I’m still laughing at the fact that Mimi says she’s not a porn star like we all didn’t see her sign a contract to make money from her professionally shot sex tape. LOL.

  6. I swear reality stars are some of the most f-cked up people. On the RHOA side you have Apollo going back to jail from committing identity theft, you got Kenya getting busted for sleeping with a married man and most of the cast has mugshots. And then on LHHATL you have people making porn for a storyline, a fake marriage, Kirk and Rasheeda faking their marriage problems so they won’t get fired and even subjecting their baby son to a damn DNA test for ratings, and grown women fighting on TV. What is really going on? It’s time for all of us to stop watching this mess.

  7. We’ll see what Joseline does when she gets replaced and the reality show gigs dry up. It happens to the best of them and that’s when people do things they said they were too good to do. Mimi is there. She felt like she didn’t have any other options. What storyline did she have without this tape? Exactly.


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