By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
It’s been rumored for a good minute now that Stevie J is dealing with some serious drug habits, and months ago he was even allegedly photographed in the middle of the act. But now there’s real receipts about Stevie’s bad habits and the reality star recently failed a drug test miserably at his latest court appearance for his ongoing child support drama.
The New York Post reports:
During his court appearance Monday before Magistrate Judge James Francis IV in Manhattan, Francis noted that Jordan tested positive for m*rijuana and c*caine at the time of his arrest. He released him on $25,000 bail but restricted his travel to parts of New York and Georgia unless it’s work-related and ordered him to undergo drug testing.
Sad. This man is really messed up.
He needs therapy and should have gotten it along time ago.
So he really is a coke head. Not surprising.
Not at all.
I bet Joseline be right next to Stevie J doing cocaine too.
LOL but of course.
LOL yeah I think you’re right.
Well Joseline’s ex manager did say she was on that powder…
Duh. Lol.
I feel bad for all his kids. Stevie has been a mess for a long time. And now that he has some money coming in from the show, he’s decided to spend most of it on drugs instead of child support. That’s pathetic.
I’m thinking Mimi, Stevie, Nikko and Joseline all have the same habits.
Stevie you know you can’t afford coke….
So this n-gga won’t even pay child support but he’s out here buying coke and weed? WTF.
My thoughts exactly. That’s so trifling to me.
I can’t help but be thankful Eve got out when she did after reading this. LOL.
Eve went from Stevie J to a almost billionaire. She made the ultimate come up!
She dodged a major bullet.
Eve was smart. She knew things would only get worse with Stevie. And man was she right.
A friend of mine told me that Stevie J. and Joseline were at his event and asked him for some cocaine. Not surprised at all.
*sips tea*
I believe it.
Sad as f-ck! He’s a deadbeat dad who rather spend money on coke than his own flesh and blood!
Smh. All I can think about is his kids. He ought to be ashamed of himself. He will buy drugs before he pays child support. He’s a disgusting human being.
Considering that he used to run with Diddy, he’s probably been on coke for a very long time. And I don’t doubt Mimi and Joseline are on it too.
I don’t think any of us can even say we’re shocked. It was obvious from that picture Joseline posted that he’s a heavy coke user and doesn’t give a damn who knows. Mimi has even said he’s doing it.
lololololo I bet all of them are on something.
Mimi is on coke too. Joseline too. Rasheeda and Kirk are faking marriage problems because they are broke. Scrappy is broke and so is Momma Dee. Karlie is an old bird still trying to use reality tv to start an acting career.
It may be his drug habits are the reason he’s having so many money problems.
The music industry is a dark place. He probably starting trying drugs when he first got in the business and never got off them. smh
So he’s a deadbeat and a druggie? Damn.
This is so sad but not surprising. I really hope he gets his life together one day. Or his kids will grow up to resent him.
Sad to think that his daughter has a coke head father and Mimi as a porn star mother. They are not leaving her with many choices in life, are they? Hopefully she grows up to be smarter and rise above this bs.
I agree.
This is sad on so many levels. But Stevie needs to get help and change his life. And I don’t think being on a reality show is what he needs to focus on right now. His life is one big mess.
He needs to get off these drugs because he has to be a better example for his kids.
So was it the coke that inspired the rat face?
Hahaha! I was thinking the same thing!
Is he even thinking about his kids at all? Smh.
I hate deadbeats.