By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
For the last several days the blogs and media have been buzzing about the physical altercations that took place during filming for the reunion of the current season, and multiple reports claimed Joseline Hernandez was the one who caused all the chaos.
Initially it was claimed Joseline was beat up severely by Benzino’s fiancée Althea Heart and Waka Flocka’s wife Tammy Rivera, but Stevie J has already set the record straight and he says Joseline was not beat up by anyone.
Benzino is not only pissed about Joseline attacking his woman, but he’s also upset with the show’s Executive Producer Mona Scott Young.
Apparently hours after the reunion fiasco went down, Mona was actually spotted at a restaurant with Joseline and Stevie posted photos of their outing to his Instagram account.
Althea seems to think Mona and Joseline may have planned the reunion attacks, so she called out Mona on Instagram, and Benzino reposted it on his account and added his own lengthy two cents:
Interestingly enough, Benzino didn’t seem to mind when Mona said in an interview that Benzino getting shot was a blessing from the “reality television gods.”
Benzino really needs to have a seat and sit there for the rest of the month. He said nothing when Mona said him getting shot was a blessing, but now that she’s let him know Joseline is going nowhere and she’s the star of the show, NOW he’s mad? Man, if you didn’t think he was a b-tch before it’s definitely clear now.
It sounds to me like Benzino is just jealous that he doesn’t have the power to have Joseline fired. He never cared any other time about Mona pimping them out but now it’s an issue? lol
Thank you! I think it’s jealousy too. I don’t think any of them are happy with the fact that no matter what they do, Stevie and Joseline are the stars. But they can’t act like they all of a sudden have standards now because all of them have been ratchet since season one. All of them!
Joseline and Stevie make the show. They ain’t going nowhere. If anyone doesn’t like it, they can go because they won’t be missed. Let’s be honest. Who’s here for Benzino and Alhea? I’m sure not.
I wouldn’t care if Benzino didn’t come back next season either. He keeps crying about this woman he’s been with for five minutes and he really never brought anything to the show. Now he’s hyped this Althea chick up so much she think she now has a say on whether or not Joseline stays or goes? Girl stop. Joseline IS the show. Ain’t nobody checking for Benzino or his flavor of the month. That dude proposes to every damn girl he dates.
lmao i know right
Mona has been pimping everyone out so none of them can get mad now. Like it or not Joseline is the star. Even Mimi’s porn video couldn’t change that. So they can either accept it or leave the show like Chrissy and Jim Jones did. No one is forcing them to stay.
Every single person who signed up to be on this show knew what they were walking into. So they can miss me with these fake tears. They also knew Joseline was from the streets and she is a fighter. If you don’t want her fist hitting your face, then don’t come for her. It’s that simple. This show has never been classy.
This is like clowns complaining after signing up for the circus. Smh.
LOL agreed.
Somebody’s getting fired. LOL.
LOL. So they said they refuse to film with Joseline but she doesn’t even need them to be interesting. Put her with Stevie and that’s the whole show right there.
Mona eating with Joseline later that night doesn’t confirm she set up anything. But what it does confirm is she doesn’t care about them fighting and Joseline is the star in her eyes. And she’s right. Joseline AND Stevie are the main reason the show became a success. They are her cash cows. Benzino may not like it but he doesn’t have to stay on the show either. He can finally get some dignity and walk away from it all.
I think Benzino is lying again. I don’t think for a second all of them want Joseline gone.
Joseline hit the most boring women on the show…Tammy, Althea and Mimi. All three of them can exit stage left and I wouldn’t give a damn.
Why is he such an attention whore? Of course Mona doesn’t care how they feel. Ratings are all she thinks about. He’s going to tweet himself right out of a job.
Yeah calling out the producer wasn’t a smart move. If she wanted to she could get rid of him and Althea and honestly who would even miss them?
Ugh I’m getting sick and tired of Benzino. I wish he would just shut up!
I don’t think this means she set them up. He’s reaching.
Sit down Benzino.
I wish Benzino would get the hell off Hoethea’s teat, go buy himself a neck, and STFU!!!!
I agree with everyone on here who said this is really just about jealousy. None of them have ever cared about Mona pimping them out and paying them pennies for it. But now that they can’t get the star of the show fired, they’re mad? Really? And Mimi was so desperate to dethrone Joseline she actually made a sex tape that was professionally shot with a camera man in the room. That ish was not leaked. It was planned by her and Nikko as an attempt to become the stars of the show but it didn’t work out like they wanted. Joseline and Stevie are still the most talked about people and they all hate it. Erica Dixon’s camera time has been cut down drastically and she’s mad too. Benzino can’t manage to make enough people care about his two month long relationship either. Scrappy’s antics have gotten boring and Momma Dee is boring now as well. And Karlie is just there too. And why is Tammy on the show? She’s boring! They can all hate all they want. If Joseline and Stevie leave, that’s the end of the show period.
I didn’t know Benzino as so much like a girl.
It’s not like Joseline has been filming w anyone this season anyway. If you think about it she really doesn’t have to film w them b/c ppl tune in anyway. She more entertaining them all of them put together w/o the manufactured drama. Say what you want about the chick, but you can’t say she’s boring.
But Benzino!! I thought joseline was beat up? If this was hours after the reunion, joseline doesn’t have a scratch on her… Looks like he’s just trying anything to bring others down since NO ONE is checking for him & his “kid swallower” “fiancé” #bloop
right?!?!?! just yesterday they all swore everyone jumped joseline and f-cked her up. weak a-s hothea aint f-cking up nobody.
Nor did Tammy. Chile boo. They also said no one wants to shoot with her… did she need a single person to carry her this season? Nope. Steebie and his “booty holes” were enough lol Karlie will keep shooting with her cause she has nothing else goiong. well except “chief keef” *snickers*
I wish this show would just go away…
Benzino can’t keep his lies straight. I thought he said Joseline got her a-s whooped by everyone. Now she can’t be controlled by security? Hmm…
This is the longest menstrual cycle Benzino has ever had.