By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
“Hollywood Exes” star Andrea Kelly made headlines when it was confirmed her short marriage to Brian McKee was on the rocks and she was filing for divorce because he was cheating on her.
Although Brian claimed he wanted to work on their marriage, in the end Andrea still wanted to cut ties. And now it appears Brian may have already moved on to another reality star love interest.
Momma Dee posted the following photos to her Instagram account letting her followers know she’s digging Andrea’s ex husband:
When social media started buzzing about Momma Dee’s Instagram antics, she then tweeted the following, confirming Brian is officially divorced:
Unfortunately for Momma Dee, Brian seems to only consider her a friend:
He friend zoned her old a-s.
With the quickness! Lol!!!
lol can you blame him?
You’re terrible boo. LOL.
What? Yeah this bum is an opportunist. He’s just trying to be on anyone’s reality show.
I thought she was dating some other young guy? That ended quickly.
Momma Dee really? He is really desperate for a come up.
LOL poor Momma Dee. She thought he would be her next boo but he’s already calling her a friend.
I can’t…
Attention whoring.
momma has to have a storyline too
If this isn’t a sign to Drea that Brian is an opportunist I don’t know what else to say.
Andrea girl, you shoulda listened to your bestie. He smelled this opportunist coming from a mile away.
I see he is putting off getting a real job for as long as possible. LMBO.
Drea should be thankful she ended it. He’s a mess.
Good friend huh? He knows what he’s doing. Watch him be on LHH next season.
This is so random. Chile…
He’s already got his eyes set on his next reality show. These hoes ain’t loyal.