By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Mimi Faust has been getting backlash ever since her raunchy video with Nikko became available for purchase, but the LHHATL star is getting tired of people calling her out for her choices.
Interestingly enough, Mimi now says that she believes that most people would have made the same choice if they were in her shoes.
She tells Hip Hop Weekly:
“Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I can’t be concerned. I didn’t do anything else that anyone else in the world wouldn’t do. I was with my man. Everyone else in our cast is having sex with their significant other. The difference is that I filmed myself and the tape got out so at that point I had to make a decision about what I was going to do. Was I going to let it out for free or was I going to make some money from it? They can say what they want to say about me having sex with Nikko; he wasn’t a stranger, he was my man. It sounds absolutely crazy for them to say I am a bad mother. I could’ve released the tape for free and I would be a complete a*s to let that happen.”
Sorry. I would never hook up or seriously date anyone like Nikko and even put myself in that situation period. But if she needs to believe all women make terrible choices like she does to feel better about herself, good for her.
so now she does the free interview with hip hop weekly HAHAHA
*blank stare*
Mimi. Ppl talk about you b/c you make one stupid decision after another. You dealt w Stevie for 15yrs & who got the ring? Then you DOWNGRADE to Nikko. Silly me for thinking there’s no one WORST than Stevie. But surprise, surprise she finds him. \_\_ here’s a couple seats dear. I’m sure you’re tired.
Right! She just keeps making bad decision after bad decision. It’s sickening!
Girl sit the hell down.
She’s still delusional about the truth. “….and if it got out.” No broad. You taped yourself WITH THE INTENT of releasing it and making money from it. That’s a poor decision. Not only as a woman, but as a mother. She keeps harping on this “making a tape with her man” nonsense….but your “man” played you. I’d just shut up about it and enjoy whatever pennies this put in the piggy bank. Nothing she can say will ever make this right or understandable. Goof troop.
*standing ovation*
This woman is so delusional. She can never just own up to her mistakes. She always has to blame someone else like Nikko or Stevie or pretend her ratchetness is normal for other women. No ma’am. Most of us learn and grow from mistakes, nt keep making the same ones.
She has worn me out with her naiveté. LOL.
She just doesn’t get it sadly. God bless her.
A bad mother? IDK. But selfish, naive and dumb as hell? Absolutely.
LOL! All of this.
Mimi never takes responsibility for her actions it’s always excuses and excuses. She always makes it seem like she didn’t have a choice for her decisions she irks the hell out of me.
Girl shut your dumb a-s up.
Girl what?
*blank stare*
Smh. I just wish she would stop talking about the tape. There’s nothing she can say to make herself look better.
She always has an excuse for the stupid things that she does. That’s what makes her so annoying.
Hold up wasn’t she going to sue HipHop Weekly for putting her on the cover without permission??? Now she’s doing interviews with them!!! Please stop with the attention whoring, nobody is talking about that raggedy tape so now she has to keep bringing it up. Girl bye!
Until this b-tch say’s she knew that the tape was going to be sold up front, people are going to say she is dumb. Nobody that has it going on will hook up with this tramp, she is damage goods. If she is smart she will leave the A and move to Jamaica, or some island and maybe she can find some man who might let her suck his d**k.