By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
It was reported weeks ago that Khloe Kardashian and French Montana are no longer dating, but French made a recent appearance on “The Wendy Williams Show,” and he claims that they are currently in a “special zone.”
When Wendy asked if he’s still with Khloe, French answers:
“I just feel like every relationship, you break up, you make up. Right now we at real good terms.”
“I mean we’re at real good terms. We’re in a special zone right now.
“She gon be my baby forever. “
French also confirmed that he is now officially divorced and he did have to fork over a couple of millions to his now ex wife in the settlement.
Wendy asked French about what really went down between him and Trina (Trina claims she felt slighted by French dating Khloe and claimed she was even living with him), but French claims he never dated Trina and she was in his life when he was just trying to have “fun,” prompting Wendy to think he meant Trina was just a booty call.
On Trina, French says:
“Honestly, I was never a couple with Trina. We were just…I was going through my divorce. I was just kind of having fun with life.”
Wendy then says:
“She wasn’t your girlfriend, she was your special friend.”
French answers:
“I can’t claim nobody after I was going through a divorce.”
Ironically enough, French had no problem claiming Khloe while he was going through a divorce.
Check out the video below:
Of course Trina was just a booty call. She moved in with a man who didn’t even see her as anything that could become serious but she wants to be mad he stepped correct with Khloe and actually claimed her? No, be mad at yourself.
But he’s just using Khloe for press.
He stepped correct? How? He admitted he’s only using her for attention. He played her too.
LOL. Exactly.
Nah, he said he was going to use the media for the attention they throwing at him because of who he was dating. He didn’t say he was using Khloe. Heck, the Kardashians use the media attention to their advantage. Anyway, he told Sway they’re still together, but just keeping it out of the media. I guess we’ll see how long that last. He’s been staying out in LA weeks at a time. I saw when he posted that romantic picture of him and her on the beach in Puerto Rico on his IG not to long ago.
I get that you are a Khloe cleaner and all (you only post on Khloe posts), but I’m not stupid. Any man who says this about his relationship is a user:
“I want to capitalize on it. I’ll get a fan base from everywhere. I just hope I’ll be able to connect with everything that’s going on.”
This is also the same man who left his wife and son after his wife held his broke butt down while he tried to become a rapper. He used Trina as well. But I’m not mad at him doing to Khloe what her family does to everyone they meet in life.
I think they are using each other tbh.
Honestly all of the men who are still getting with these chicks are users because no man with any real success and money will go anywhere near them.
A man will only treat you how you let him. Trina has to be honest with herself and admit she played a role in what happened with French. Anyway, I see him and Khloe are trying to convince people they have a real relationship, but it’s obvious this whole thing is just for publicity. You would think that family would be tired of faking everything by now.
And I thought I couldn’t dislike this guy more than I already do. Straight up hypocrite he was throwing birthday parties and buying Jeeps for Khloe while going through a divorce. French’s ex-wife tried to warn Trina. He basically said Trina was nothing more than a jumpoff. I’m just wondering when will Trina get tired of being played by these lames.
Yeah I feel bad for her but she brings all of this on herself.
I don’t why, but I kind of liked Khloe and French together. (Didn’t at first). He really made her happy. Hopefully, they will continue keep the media out of whatever it is they have going on.
Lmfao Trina played ha self.
Yeah it’s clear Trina was just a fling. She thought it was more than it was. She’s going to have to smarten up out here. When French Montana plays you, you have to take a long look at yourself and get it together.
A grown woman should never move in with a man who won’t claim you nor express to you and everyone else verbally that y’all are together. Some women hate being single so bad they will settle for anything.
Khloe and French need to stop. Their relationship was always just for her show. And French is happy to get a check and keep it moving.
Khloe couldn’t fake a relationship with someone better?
Nope. The pickings are slim right now. Real men know better. Boys, and media whores only ones left to choose from.
I wish Khloe and her family would go away.
So do I…