By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Kylie Jenner is the youngest in the Kardashian/Jenner clan, but the 17-year-old keeps her name in the headlines thanks to ongoing controversy.
It’s speculated she’s in a romantic relationship with 25-year-old rapper Tyga, and days after she got into a shade war with his ex Blac Chyna, Kylie is once again causing ruckus on Instagram.
She posted a few snaps of her latest photo shoot, but she’s been getting slammed in the comments because some feel like her look is too close to blackface, and her caption only made things worse:
what if she’s telling the truth
Who cares? Our black skin and features are just accessories to them. So are our men. Wake up.
I’m sorry but was her dumb a-s out there protesting in Ferguson too? Or does she just want a bigger a-s and full lips, and access to more black men? F-ck her.
Thank you.
*blank stare*
Idiot teenager THOT.
Well we knew all the chicks in that family want to be black with the exception of Kourt and Kendall.
But you’ll never be black b-tch. You can keep drawing on your lips, wearing booty pads, and dating D list rappers. You’ll still be a try hard white girl with a pimp for a mother.
They don’t want to be black. They enjoy their white privilege too much. The truth is they see black people, especially black men as a fetish. They don’t want to be us.
These people are trash. Am I supposed to be flattered this idiot wants to be black? I wish they were all booted to some island far, far away.
Whoever said Kylie is going to be just like Kim was spot on. I already don’t like this bish.
Well she is a lot like her big sis. Low self esteem, dying to have black features, dating washed up black rappers…the only thing missing is the multiple failed marriages and a sex tape. I’m sure those are in the future plans though since Kylie was sliding down stripper poles at age 12.
Everybody wanna be a n-gga but don’t nobody wanna be a n-gga.
I have no words.
You still love Kim? LOL.
She’s disgusting and very ignorant.
The sad thing is they don’t want to be black because they love the culture, they want to be black because then they could have avoided all the plastic surgery they keep getting.
I’m totally disgusted but I ain’t surprised because the Kartrashians can offend us degrade us like nothing. These people don’t care or respect us. I hope y’all heard what Khloe said about Jamie Foxx talking about he looking for press because of the Bruce Jenner joke. Really an oscar winning actor who has been acting for 20 years needs press. The audacity of someone who got famous because of her sister’s sex tape and comes from the biggest media attention whoring family in the world she thinks she is on his same level. Notice the show they are doing with the Haqq twins “Dash Dolls” read between the lines people they are nothing but puppets for the Kartrashian family. This chick doesn’t want to be black this is a joke to her and an effort to get a reaction out of people that’s it. Don’t let these people fool you they will suck and f-ck black men and still be racist.
Boo you whore.
All their black stans are idiots.
Why won’t they just go away? They contribute nothing positive to the world.
She is wearing the metallic paint from Rihanna’s umbrella video. Egh ok
If blk sites stop supporting and posting sh-t about them, they’d go away.
But they have the white and bigger sites like TMZ on their payroll. They’re never going away.
Why is she even doing a photoshoot? Her sister models but she doesn’t even do anything.
She’s weird looking.
She knew what she was doing. Attention whoring 101.
Kim Jr.
This is hilarious to me because white people want nothing to do with this family and now black people want them to go away too. No one wants them. What will they do when E doesn’t renew their show? They live for the attention. Even negative attention.
They just keep showing their true colors. And did Khloe ever explain why she thought it was ok to joke about the KKK? They’re all trash.