By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Mimi Faust and Stevie J’s dysfunctional relationship was the primary focus of “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta” in its first season, and even though both have since moved on from the relationship, Mimi hasn’t really managed to prove to fans of the show that she’s completely over Stevie.
Not only is Mimi’s last boyfriend Nikko a lot like Stevie in looks and personality, but Mimi is keeping Stevie close in her business endeavors.
The former couple now runs an artist management company together and their interactions this season have viewers thinking Mimi is still in love with her ex.
Mimi tweets:
Lies. She still loves that dude. Everyone can see it.
She needs more people and a new storyline. This whole Stevie save me from Nikko ish ain’t cutting it. I’m bored as hell this season.
I know!! This season isn’t all that so far. I hope it gets better.
I wondered if it was just me. I was hype for it to come back, but each episode so far I’ve just been like is this it? I’ve been waiting for this? I need it to pick up now.
We don’t care Mimi.
If she’s so over him, then why did she immediately go find his lookalike to f-ck and make p-rn with?
Yeah right.
Well she looked flattered when he offered her some of his “man juice” to have another baby.
Eh, something tells me she would go back if he wanted her.
i think that’ll happen if he goes broke again. some dudes reserve certain types for when they’re broke but other types for when they on the come up. so pay attention ladies and focus on not being the oppressed lover!!! lol
LMBO. Her actions and body language says otherwise.
I think Mimi still wants Stevie. The way she’s been acting this season says it all. Especially the fact she’s so angry at Joseline and all she talks about is Joseline this season is the biggest giveaway. All is forgotten with Stevie and what he put her through but she can’t stop hating Joseline. Typical “forgive the man, blame the side chick” routine. Joseline is in the way when it comes to Stevie getting with Mimi and she’s finding any reason or excuse to get close to him and the business thing is just one of them.
As much as Joseline keeps her pressed, I don’t believe her.
This season so far is corny. They need K.Michelle back
Mimi girl that’syour life everyone has done something that they regret leave the woman alone.she’s a grown as woman.everybody needs to keep there opinion to there selves.she has a child.stress isn’t good for no mother who has kids.mimi I’m with you girl.I don’t like people judging otherpeople like they mr.and Mrs. Clean.just stop.leave the dam girl alone.it’s her life that’s it.mimic love you boo.I’m on yourside.