By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Several weeks ago Ciara slapped Future with a $15 million dollar lawsuit and she accused her ex of trying to slander her on social media and in interviews to promote his new music.
Future clapped back with a counter-suit and claimed Ciara’s career is a flop, and now both will be heading to court soon.
Click next for the details.
Future is so bitter. He didn’t have a problem with her until she got with Russell.
I know Ciara loves baby Zahir a lot but deep down I know she wishes she wound have never slept with this fvck boy.. Future just makes my butt itch…
All he has to do is keep her name out his mouth.
I honestly think both Ciara and Future benefited from their relationship. He’s acting like he was A list when they hooked up.
It’s funny how exes don’t want to see you happy with someone else. I don’t expect Future to own his messiness though.
Future needs more people.
Future needs to get over himself all this comes from him being mad Ciara moved on point blank period. He started all this mess because he refuses to keep his mouth shut. He needs to grow the f-ck up he has 4 children with 4 different mothers they have a right to move on with their life with his children. Other men will be around his children sorry but its consequences of having kids with multiple mothers. Just because Ciara is famous makes no difference this should be a reality check for him don’t want men around your kids stop leaving a trail of broken homes.
Say that sh-t a 1000x’s..but it’s funny how women, some whom may have been in similar situations will still blame and drag the hell out of Ciara. I saw on another site it’s rumored Future and Ciara slept together since she’s been with Russell. I seriously doubt it. .but I wonder who started that bulsh-t. .smdh..Bow Wow,Future, 50..all eat out the same b-tch n@gga bowl
Why does he hate her sooo much that he didn’t want her and he doesn’t want her to be happy? He seems not have respect for women…which goes hand in hand with not liking women