As we saw on the most recent installment of the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” reunion, Porsha ends up revealing that Phaedra gave her the ammunition about Kandi wanting to drug her.
As we reported, a leaked preview shows the tables turning on Phaedra and she will have to deal with Kandi face to face during part four of the reunion, as well as deal with Porsha’s anger.
Although many have riled up in support of Kandi, other viewers still aren’t here for her.
One fan even tweeted about not understanding how anyone doesn’t like Kandi at this point.
Kandi took a liking to the tweet and replied to the woman. Apparently, Kandi doesn’t get why people don’t like her either. She’s been transparent, at least in her opinion, and feels the backlash is unwarranted.
Check out the tweet below.
@brownydadiva I don’t get it either…
— Kandi Burruss (@Kandi) May 1, 2017
Kandi seems to wait until she gets in front of a crowd to always want to act like she Billy Bad A*s. When she is confronted 1 on 1 she likes to take defense and walk out. I’m okay with her being transparent. I just think she likes a show and she likes to hold onto BS for unnecessary time. Oh and she never takes responsibility of what she does wrong. She always bringing up somebody else. Kenya does the ssme thing too.
Thanks for saying this Kandi and her hood-rat mama both, they are always talking about somebody. I believe Kandi and Todd did want to drug Porsha.
Kandi is still getting backlash because she will always downplay what she’s done. It’s that simple. Don’t say you’re the realest person on the show but you aren’t ready to admit that you and your fam/employees are just as messy as everyone else.
Kandi seems really sensitive. When you’re on a reality show, not everyone is going to like you. Why does she care?
She shouldn’t even care. She’s been vindicated of all the lies told by Porsha and Phaedra. She won. All the Porsha and Phaedra stans can do now is seethe. Pay them dust Kandi.
She’s getting backlash because some of us find her annoying. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Real” people shouldn’t give a f-ck about how strangers on the internet feel about them.
Umm actually a lot of people are Team Kandi. So why focus on those who aren’t? Kandi is such a crybaby.
I don’t get it either Kandi. I mean folks are out here defending frauds and whores yet drag Kandi just because she decided to finally stand up for herself this season.
Wrong, understand this Kenya and Kandi are both messy and they are always playing the victim. Kandi needs to be there for her daughter and mind her own business and Kenya needs to get a man she does not have to pay to be with her bad skin a-s.
Yes, porsha and phaedra fans are so mad that Kandi is real and she owns up to her stuff. The only thing they keep bringing up is kandi’s ma and friends, which are grown people. Trying to hold her resposible for others peoples actions. Only the fake can’t recognize real.they trying their hardest to find faults in kandi.
It’s weird to see Kandi care so much about who doesn’t like her when she’s really coming off as the victor this season.
This chick is always the victim. The truth is she started all this drama with Phaedra when she sided with Apollo and secretly hid his stuff at her house and never felt the need to let Phaedra know. She did not support Phaedra through her divorce and she came on the show at the beginning of the season trying to expose Phaedra first. Sure, Phaedra could have taken the high road but truth is she didn’t have to.
Kandi wanted to be the “Queen B” of RHOA, but I guess she didn’t take into account all of the negativity that comes with it. She should ask for advice from her new “friend” NeNe.
I hope Im wrong but from a viewers perspective all of this started when Kandi met todd he seems to be jealous of Phaedra and kandis relationship. Also the whole cast thought they would really have to turn up the heat after nene left. They were probably told to do this because as per usual these kind of shows don’t care how African Americans are portrayed. You would never see this on any of the other shows. Also if Ms Phaedra and Porsha are removed we wont continue to watch. Kandi and Kenya are not totally innocent. New ms nida mama todd joyce kandis whole staff and pitiful Kenya are to blame as well even more son !!!!!!!!
Please keep Phaedra on the show so she can go over to kandis and todds to get her stuff tat was purchased during the marriage that they are holding for apollo. Her kids may want something to remember their father by since he is very absent.