Recently on Instagram, Cam Newton posted a photo of himself sitting at his Carolina Panthers press podium during Training Camp this week. He posted the photo with the following caption from Gloria Carter’s poem on Jay-Z’s “4:44”:
lįvįñg įñ thë šhâdöw
¢âñ ÿöü įmâgįñë whât kįñd öf Ł1FË įt įš tö Ł1VË❓
įñ thë šhâdöwš pëöplë šëë ÿöü hâppÿ âñd FRËË
bë¢âüšë thâtš’š whât ÿöü wâñt thëm tö $ËË
lįvįñg twö lįvëš, HÅ₽₽Ÿ, büt NØT FRËË
ÿöü lįvë įñ thë šhâdöwš för thë FËÅR öf šömëöñë hürtįñg ÿöür fâmįlÿ ör thë ₽ËØ₽ŁË ŸØŪ ŁØVË
thë wörld įš ¢hâñgįñg âñd thëÿ šâÿ įtš T1MË TØ ßË FRËË
büt ÿöü lįvë wįth thë FËÅR öf jüšt bëįñg MË
lįvįñg įñ thë šhâdöwš fëëlš lįkë thë $ÅFË ₽1Å€Ë TØ ßË
NØ HÅRM FØR THËM, NØ HÅRM FØR MË büt lįfë įš šhört, âñd 1Tš T1MË TØ ßË FRËË
#iWmW -1OVE
The post and caption went viral and many posted their opinions.
Since Gloria recited the poem to address hiding her s-xuality for many years, a lot of folks suspected that Cam was coming out the closet in the caption.
Tami shared her opinion on Hollywood Unlock’s Instagram post. In fact, she threw some shade at Cam Newton and Russell Westbrook.
Check out the post below.
She’s so damn messy. It’s ignorant as hell to assume someone’s s-xuality by the way they dress.
Def don’t think they are gay. I mean does D Wade not dress the same way? Some men just like to break down barriers fashion wise. I mean it’s a lot of men who don’t who actually are gay. It has little to do with outfits.
Shut the f-ck up Tami.
Why does Cam type like that?
Tami should be embarrassed smh.
I can’t stand this messy broad. Messiest person on BBW. She is always stirring the damn pot.