Nova reads her chapter about Ernest to an attentive crowd.
“We Bleed Softy in the Night” is the name of Nova’s book. She’s speaking about her book with Remy in the audience. Nova’s reading to the audience the chapter about her father Ernest, which is also published in the New Yorker magazine.
Meanwhile, Charley walks into Prosper’s room seeing him struggling to get out of bed. Ralph Angel reads over the summons of custody he received from Darla. Aunt Vi’s applying makeup getting ready to start her day. Darla sees a homeless man drinking alcohol as she’s on her way to work.
Micah’s doing the best he can cleaning his shoes, removing evidence he was at the plantation when the fire started to the slave quarters.
Keke’s with Micah expressing disappointment in the fire at the plantation. He’s surprised she’s not impressed, He kisses Keke , sending her off to class and then running into Ant and his other friends. Police stopped at Ant’s home to question him about the fire.
Lastly, Charley meets with Colton. She demands that he gives his shares of Landry enterprises to her.
“You have five minutes. What do you want?” – Colton
“Your shares in Landry Enterprises.” – Charley
She then throws in Colton’s face the information she received from Jacob’s mom about Colton’s shady business practices. Charley uses the information, and threatens to tell his father Sam to coax Colton to agreeing to her terms.
“You can take your daddy down or I can take you down. Your choice.” – Charley
Department of Child and Family Services arrive to question Ralph Angel and Blue.
Ralph Angel gets a knock on his door. The county’s child and family services department arrive for a surprised visit.
The counselors are questioning Blue and Ralph Angel in the house. One of the counselors asks Blue if he’s able to wake Ralph Angel on the weekend. Blue says yes as the other counselor takes photos of the kitchen’s dirty dishes.
Aunt Vi’s in her kitchen baking pies with her assistant. The assistant praises Aunt Vi and her family, bringing up Nova’s essay. She hands Aunt Vi a copy of the essay printed in the New Yorker.
Aunt Vi’s mood changes when she reads the essay.
Back at Ralph Angel’s, Ralph Angel is getting irritated by the questioning of him and Blue. He takes offense as the counselor takes interest in his criminal record.
“My record don’t got nothing to do with my ability to be a dad.” – Ralph Angel
But the counselor’s concerned with the well-being of Blue.
Ralph Angel becomes more angry by the minute and wants to know who made the call to DCFS. The counselor doesn’t disclose who did it.
“Look, I’m a good dad. I work my a** off taking care of that boy. I provide for my son, make sure he eats, always safe, happy.” – Ralph Angel
When he demands to know who made he call, the sheriff makes his presence known.
The counselor calls him off and tells Ralph Angel to allow them to do their job.
Prosper fell at home.
Meanwhile, Charley rushes home, finding Prosper on the floor in the bathroom. She helps him up and he apologizes.
He tried to take a shower but slipped. Charley gets him up and to a chair and she notices something is very wrong. She wants to get Prosper to a hospital and calls for help.
Ralph Angel confronts Darla as she denies making the call.
While at work, Darla receives a call from a very angry Ralph Angel.
“So you think I’m an unfit daddy, huh?” – Ralph Angel
Darla tells him she doesn’t know who made the phone call. Ralph Angel hangs up and then he calls Aunt Vi.
Micah’s with Ant and his other friends at school when police approach. They arrest Ant for Arson and Trespassing. The arrest shocks and worries Micah and his friends.
Ralph Angel heads to see his P.O. Kevin. However, he isn’t there. RA speaks to another P.O. about whether or not his parole will affect a DCFS investigation. She says he has to wait and see, and cuts their meeting short.
Afterwards he runs into his friend Toine.
Prosper reveals a fear about the hospital to Charley.
Charley’s at the hospital calling Prosper’s kids. She’s telling them about his condition.
Charley’s friend Romero’s with her at the hospital waiting on Prosper. Romero tells Charley doctors want to keep Prosper overnight as a precaution. She also learns Prosper cancelled his surgery.
“I’m learning proud men don’t like getting sick. They think they’re invincible.” – Charley
“I don’t know if it’s pride more than it is fear.” – Romero
Afterwards, Charley goes into Prosper’s room and sits. Prosper tells her he wants to go home and Charley says he can’t. She then insists on staying with him and asks if he cancelled his surgery.
Prosper tells her a story of a friend at church and how her husband died during hip surgery.
“Folks my age go in, but they don’t come out.” – Prosper
Darlene’s confronted by Aunt Vi for calling DCFS on Ralph Angel.
Aunt Vi arrives at Darla’s home, and is greeted by her mom Darlene.
“I can guess why you’re here Vi, but I just want to start by saying, this is all for Blue.” – Darlene
“You got to do better than that. ‘Cause if this was all for Blue, you would’ve come long ago with more than a checkbook. But, oh no, you left the raising to us. Treating us like some glorified babysitters while your daughter was off snorting, smoking, and doing whatever and whoever she could get her hands on. Lady, you’re about to feel the Bordelon wrath.” – Aunt Vi.
Darlene angrily tells Aunt Vi she’s thankful for Ernest and her raising Blue. However, she says she’s concerned about Blue’s well-being with Ralph Angel, noting the time Ra’s worker had friends over, who he kicked out.
“How you know how he cares for that child? You and the baby’s mama have been resting in D.C. while he’s down here busting his a** everyday to put clothes on that boy’s back.” – Aunt Vi
Darlene tries to clap back by says Blue’s bouncing from multiple homes.
“It’s no wonder he’s wetting the bed and acting out in school so I won’t sit by and watch this happen to our grandson when we can provide the best care, money, and stability that child needs.” – Darlene
“Like your daughter had?” – Aunt Vi
Aunt Vi responds that if Darla wasn’t gone, maybe Blue wouldn’t have these issues. But not to be outdone, Darlene tells Aunt Vi Ralph Angel may not be Blue’s biological dad.
“Ralph Angel is more of a parent to that child than his mama ever attempted to be. I don’t gives a rat’s a** about no DNA. He’s a Bordelon. I will bring you a fight.” – Aunt Vi
Ralph Angel gets some good advice about controlling his anger from Toine.
Back at the police station, Ralph Angel’s expressing his anger and frustrations to Toine. Toine explains to Ralph Angel that DCFS won’t take Blue away from a loving home.
“They want what’s best for him.” – Toine
He then explains to Ralph Angel how it’s important to be patient and not quick to anger in this situation. Toine also tells Ralph Angel that he has to take responsibility for what he can control and that’s be a good father to Blue.
“Take it from me man. Not everybody’s father would dig in the trash for their kid’s toy.” – Toine
Lastly, Toine tells Ralph Angel that he must control his anger before he does something that gives DCFS fuel to take Blue away from him.
Darla arrives home and Darlene introduces her to the same counselor that spoke to Ralph Angel. She asks if she’s there to talk to just her, and she says yes.
Darla sternly asks her mom to give them the room.
Charley’s still at the hospital watching over Prosper. Romero walks in to give Charley a blanket for prosper. He decides to stay with Charley.
Aunt Vi confronts Nova about the chapter in her book about Ernest.
Nova walks into Aunt Vi’s place, and is immediately grilled by Aunt Vi about her essay. Aunt Vi doesn’t appreciate about why Nova decided to tell the story about Ernest’s suicide attempt.
“My brother, your daddy ain’t even here to defend himself.” – Aunt Vi.
Nova tells Aunt Vi that people loved to hear the story and how it inspired them to deal with their own issues.
“Nova I love you… But, you’re off. You think this is a good decision. Something ain’t right with you. Whatever it is, fix it. Come to yourself.” – Aunt Vi
Keke and Micah are doing homework and talking about Ant getting arrested.
Keke asks Micah if he knows something about his arrest.
“Yeah.” – Micah
He tells Keke that they were all planning a protest.
“What are you even doing?” – Keke
Keke’s shocked and angry with Michael, questioning why he’s even hanging out with Ant. She also says the protest they attempted wasn’t anything like what she suggested him to do at his old school.
The two begin to argue and Keke calls out Micah’s “woke-ness.”
“Stop acting like you’re woke…” – Keke
As far as the protest is concerned, she lets Micah know it was wrong and changes nothing. When Micah asks her what she’s doing for the black community, Keke reminds him that unlike Micah, she’s having to work hard to get money for college. While Micah has been getting into trouble with his new woke friends, Keke says she’s been hard at work applying for scholarships.
She tells him that this doesn’t seem like him at all.
“Than who am I? – Micah
“I don’t know.” – Keke
Keke storms out the room.
Ralph Angel tells Blue about his past.
Blue’s in his room with Ralph Angel when Blue asks him about the police being there. Ralph Angel tells him that they were just checking him to see his they were safe.
Blue then asks Ralph Angel, “What is a record?”
“I did something that I shouldn’t have, I had to go away for a little while to think about what I have done. I was in prison, Blue.” – Ralph Angel
Blue confusingly asks if he was a bad person.
“I did bad things.” – Ralph Angel
He then tells Blue that he regrets doing those things and he won’t ever do them again.
“I won’t let anyone take me away from you again.” – Blue
Aunt Vi learns about the miscarriage of Hollywood’s child 11 years ago.
Hollywood talks about the anniversary of his ex’s miscarriage. LeAnne carried their child for 18 weeks when tragedy struck.
“They wrapped her in a blanket, put her in a basket and wheeled her away.” – Hollywood
He explains to Aunt Vi around the anniversary each year he does anything to get distracted. As a result, Hollywood explains how he can relate to Ernest’s struggles with suicide.
Charley gets the shares from Colton, plus Nova and Remy break things off.
“Your daddy would be so proud.” – Charley
Charley proudly stands over Colton in his office as Colton signs the paperwork giving his shares of Landry Enterprises to her.
Remy and Nova are hanging out at her home. Nova’s mum and Remy notices. Remy gets Nova to tell him Aunt Vi challenged her.
“She told me to come to myself.” – Nova
Remy explains to Nova that it’s a parable. He tells a story of how he had to come to himself after the death of his wife.
“I feel that we’re right for each other. But I feel the way we know that has been…” – Remy
“Filled with pain.” – Nova
At the end, Nova and Remy seemingly break things apart as they hug for what seems to be one last time. The episode ends with Remy walking out of Nova’s front door.
What did you think of the episode?