‘Black Ink Crew Chicago’ Recap: After Van Throws Jenn Under the Bus, Lily Exposes Van

Loyal Ink is without Lily and Reese.

Both left the shop because they feel like the crew is too loyal to Junior. Don says that he’s not going to end his friendship with Junior, especially when Junior didn’t even hit Reese.

So Don suggests they do a group bonding activity.

Charmaine says she knows the perfect place. She suggests Camp Kidwell.

“I am 100% down.” – Cobra

Since this place is very nature focused, Danielle isn’t enthusiastic. Don wants Phor to attend. Charmaine suggests that Lily and Reese be invited as well.

It’s day one of the camping trip.

Neek decides to go with Charmaine on the bonding trip.

As they enter the vehicle, Charmaine shows off all the goodies she’s bringing along, including a flask of Hennessy.

She says that Reese and Lily said they will consider coming and if they come, they will meet everyone at the camping grounds.

Since the trip is taking place on Friday the 13th, it’s possible things could get pretty scary.

Phor enters the van and says that he needed the trip to take his mind off his stressful music career Seeing nature will be good for him.

They pick up Van and Charmaine says that he has gout. He needs help walking and is using crutches.

In a green screen interview, Van says he’s just flat-footed and big. He does not have gout but he was in serious pain.

They arrive at Camp Kidwell.

Jenn says that it’s “straight up old school.”

Don says that the women should be in one cabin, and the men in the other.

Everyone chooses their bunks.

While the ladies are away picking their bunks, Don tells the men they should play a prank and throw all the women’s luggage in the water.

They grab the luggage and walk on the dock. They toss the luggage into the water.

Not too long after, the women come back and notice their luggage is in the water. None of them find this to be humorous.

“I’m literally about to have a panic attack.” – Danielle

The men lie and blame Van and say he’s the one who threw the luggage in the water. Some nearby campers get the bags out of the water.

When the women get their luggage back, it’s revealed that the fellas took their belongings out and placed them in the cabin.

Reese and Lily bring the drama.

Later that night, the women discuss how they will get even. Don lets them know he hears them. As they sit at the table to have a bite to eat, Lily and Reese pull up.

Everyone gets quiet and it gets really awkward.

They join the gang at the table.

Lily says that she feels like everyone is being too loyal to Junior. In a green screen interview, Don says he should be able to be friends with whoever he wants to be friends with.

Reese says that she left the shop because Don was taking up for Junior.

Jenn gets annoyed and says that both Lily and Reese need to take ownership for their role in everything.

At this point, both Lily and Reese tell Jenn that she has nothing to do with the situation and shouldn’t be talking. When Reese says Jenn needs to “shut her mouth,” but Jenn says she’s going to keep talking.

In a green screen interview, Charmaine says Jenn is only making things worse. However, she then becomes a target for Lily, again.

Lily says that Charmaine isn’t even a tattoo artist, so she needs to stay in her place. They start arguing. Charmaine says that Lily is disrespectful. She gets up and walks away in tears. Danielle follows behind her.

This exchange does not sit well with Don. He then tells Lily that she is the biggest problem within Loyal Ink.

“I personally feel like the headache right now is you.” – Don

Jenn agrees with Don and says that Reese and Lily have been causing most of the drama.

Irritated by it all, Reese and Lily tell Jenn she needs to stay out of the shop business because she’s just a shop girlfriend.

Ashley gets pulled into the argument.

Reese walks off. Lily and Jenn start arguing. Lily then says that Jenn and Charmaine were talking badly about Ashley’s purple wig she wore earlier.

This angers Ashley and she wants to know why people were talking behind her back.

Charmaine comes back and denies saying anything about Ashley. Jenn calls Lily a snake and Lily invites her to throw hands.

Jenn says she doesn’t want to take it there and Lily walks away.

She joins Reese as they walk away to do their own thing.

They set up a tent away from everyone else. They take off their clothes and run around the camp site.

The next day, Charmaine vents about Lily and is over her at this point. Everyone gets annoyed when they see that Reese and Lily are right outside in a tent.

Don gets everyone up for the first team activity: zip lining. Nikki pulls up before they get started.

Van throws Jenn under a bus.

Reese and Lily go off to themselves to ride horses.

Van comes over to talk about what went down with Jenn.

He doesn’t want to lose two tattoo artists so quickly.

Lily says that she doesn’t understand why Jenn stepped in the conversation. Van says that he doesn’t like that Jenn said anything. He says she has no business talking about shop business because she doesn’t work there. He also says that Lily has to be dealt with “delicately.”

“Jennifer does not bring value to the shop…Charmaine does not bring value to the shop. We do.” – Van

After throwing Jenn under the bus, Van hugs them and says he wants them to not quit Loyal Ink.

Don tries to do something romantic for Ashley.

He wants to have somewhat of a recommitment ceremony. He also gets her some flowers and hangs up the first picture he and Ashley ever took together.

Nikki takes Ashley there after asking Ashley to go with her to the bathroom.

When Ashley gets there, she’s surprised by the romantic set up. Don gives a sweet speech but Ashley says it will take more time for her to trust him again. Don says it can’t be all on him and Ashley has to try too.

In a green screen interview, Don says he just wants to see that she appreciates the effort.

Ashley tells Don to stop being prideful and hear what she’s saying.

They start arguing.

“If you love me, show that sh*t!” – Ashley

In a green screen interview, Ashley says that she doesn’t feel like Don respects her enough to let her make her decision on her own time.

After Don says it looks like he’s begging her to take him back, Ashley says that Don should be begging her to take him back.

The former couple starts screaming at each other.

“Put your pride to the side and beg me! I deserve that sh*t.” – Ashley

Don says that he’s doing what he’s doing because he loves her not because he cheated.

She appreciates the honesty. Ashley doesn’t need the grand gestures. She just wants Don to be faithful and do right by their family. He hears her and they hug it out, and kiss.

Lily exposes Van.

Later that night, the group has a foam party.

It’s their last night at the camping trip, Charmaine is ready to let Lily and Reese walk.

Van is nervous about the future of Loyal Ink. Now that he’s convinced Reese and Lily not to quit, he hopes everything works out.

Both Lily and Reese show up to the foam party.

Reese speaks to Jenn and Jenn ignores her. Reese laughs it off and says that’s fine by her.

Lily then walks up to Charmaine to hash things out. But Van interrupts and says he wants Reese and Lily to remain at the shop.

He says that losing Reese and Lily means losing revenue.

But Jenn says they bring a toxic energy to the shop. Lily once again tells Jenn she has nothing to do with what’s going on.

So Lily gets angry and says the truth is Van tried to hit on her. He showed up to her apartment.

Jenn asks for the receipts. Lily says Van called her and asked to kick it. She the says that Van kissed her and then left.

Van then laughs and says he would have smashed if he wanted to.

After Lily walks away, Van tells Jenn her never kissed Lily and “she’s full of sh*t.”

Reese and Lily exit Loyal Ink for good, for now.

Lily tells Reese that she knows that she can’t stay at Loyal Ink. Reese agrees and says she’s leaving too.

They leave the camp and head back to the shop. Lily packs her things and proclaims she will no longer work at Loyal Ink. Reese packs up her things as well.

In a green screen interview, Lily says that everyone else needs to realize that she is not the problem. Especially since Katt, Ryan and Junior have already left.

Both Reese and Lily leave the shop with their things.

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