The episode continues at Master P and Romeo’s yacht party.
As Aundre and Pepa get flirtatious upstairs, Egypt and Sam confront Tee Tee and Tyran about what happened in Vegas. Suddenly, Sam and Tyran almost come to blows but Tee is able to separate him.
“If anyone has a problem with me, I gotta defend myself.” – Sam
Luckily, the party’s over at that point and everyone leaves the yacht. When Egypt and Sam tell Pepa about what happened, Pepa’s angry about her family arguing. So Pepa is going to have everyone over her house to squash everything.
“I just want to get to the bottom of everything.” – Pepa
Aundre is also talking too but Egypt doesn’t like him getting involved.
Master P and Romeo have a charity basketball event going on in New Orleans. This is on top of the acting gigs Romeo booked in Los Angeles. Master P is concerned because Romeo may have potential conflicts that can cause him to miss the event.
Pepa wants to squash the beef between Sam and Tyran.
The next day, Tee Tee and Tyran recap what happened at the yacht party. Tyran tells Tee Tee that Pepa wants to have a sit down with all four of them and Aundre. Tee Tee also brings up how Briana isn’t warm to her now.
Back in New York, Vanessa hangs with her mom to talk about the Pastry brand. She tells her mom she wants to revive the brand without Angela. This time, Vanessa would be the creative director.
Her mom tells her to take the meeting.
Speaking of meetings, Boogie and Briana hang out and Briana learns Ava wants to set up a meeting between him and Dame.
She then reveals that she does have a boyfriend, but it’s not the guy who she took to the party. Lastly, Briana still feels some type of way about Tee Tee.
“If you’re gonna run your mouth about me to be in the cool crowd? I’m cool on that.” – Briana
Aundre leads the way in the family meeting.
Later that night, Pepa and Aundre have their family meeting. When Sam and Tee Tee arrive, they’re ready for another altercation with Tee Tee and Tyran. When Aundre takes the lead, Tyran and Tee Tee are thrown for a loop.
As Sam tries to explain what happened, Tyran doesn’t let him talk. Tyran takes control and explains how Egypt and Sam’s attempt to elope looked bad. Interestingly enough, Sam’s put off by Aundre’s presence and lead.
But overall, everyone seems to squash the beef and Pepa invites them all to Aundre’s music video.
Back in New York, Vanessa heads to the Pastry office and feels nostalgic. Vanessa tells them that Angela may not be able to join them. But the execs want to meet with Angela and Vanessa together.
But Vanessa knows that meeting won’t go well.
Lil Eazy-E and JoJo speak to Boogie about his relationship with Dame.
In Los Angeles, Boogie is in the still working on new music. JoJo and Lil Eazy-E stop by to check out his beats. When they arrive, Boogie plays them music from his upcoming album.
Afterwards, Boogie tells them he’s not talking to Dame.
“I’m not talking to my pops because he’s trying to make me look bad.” – Boogie
Lil Eazy-E doesn’t appreciate how Boogie’s handing his dad due to his father passing away as a child. JoJo brought up how he got arrested for weed possession at 19 and how he was wildin out. Despite feeling disrespected, he understood he was out of line.
After Lil Eazy-E emotionally reminds Boogie he should be grateful his father is still around, Boogie realizes he has to mend the relationship.
Overall, Boogie seems to be receptive and will agree to talk to Dame.
Vanessa tells Angela she’s going to work with Pastry again.
After meeting with Pastry execs, Vanessa’s having another meeting with Angela with JoJo moderating. When Vanessa tells her about the meeting with Pastry, Angela says she can’t do it because of her other endeavors but doesn’t want Vanessa to do it without her. However, Vanessa says she’s going to do it and JoJo agrees.
Aundre’s music video shoot is about to begin and Pepa is producing the video. Tee Tee and Egypt show up in support. Pepa tells them the song he wrote is about her. Pepa tells Egypt Aundre is her new daddy and it makes Egypt real uncomfortable because they are close in age.
Briana shows up with Lil Eazy-E and she’s still not cool with Tee Tee.
They both do their best to avoid one another.
Briana and Tee Tee clash.
When Sam and Egypt meet up with Tyran and Tee Tee, they talk about Aundre and how he’s being dominant. They bring up how he has a toddler with another baby on the way on top of being close to Tyrann’s age.
Later on, Briana and Tee Tee finally have their talk. Briana confronts Tee Tee in front of everyone for talking about her behind her back. Tee Tee feels this is happening because Tee Tee is friends with Vanessa. Eventually, Briana walks out of the shoot with nothing resolved between her and Tee Tee.
Boogie and Dame have their talk and it doesn’t go well.
Eventually, it’s time for Boogie and Dame to have their sit-down set up by Ava. When Boogie arrives, Ava’s there with Dame and his girlfriend in the room. Dame tells Boogie he’s disappointed he didn’t show up to Ava’s graduation celebration and not even texting Ava back.
Boogie’s frustrated because the cameras are on.
“The only time I’ve seen you is on ‘Growing up Hip Hop.’” – Dame
This leads to another back and forth.
“You got paid to be here. Stop waiting on me to call you! You’re old!” – Dame
What are your thoughts on the episode?