‘Married to Medicine’ Star Dr. Contessa Metcalfe Comes for Buffie Purselle, Again

Photo Credit: Bravo

Buffie Purselle is the “Married to Medicine” newbie that has everyone talking. Many have shown support for Buffie on social media after Dr. Jackie Walters called her infertile during a speech at her event.

However, Jackie’s friends on the show appear to think she is the true victim.

Contessa in particular seemingly shaded Buffie before the episode aired. Now it appears she may be throwing more jabs at Buffie in footage filmed while the ladies got dressed for the reunion. Contessa spoke on someone spinning a situation to be looked at as a victim. She said, “I am excited to let the truth come out. Intention. Like what’s the deal? Who is kind of spinning things to become a little bit more entertaining and such a victim? Or just who’s being authentic?”

Contessa went on to say that Jackie has been targeted. She stated, “This season for real Jackie was kind of targeted. I think it’s hard on these kinds of shows to make it and when you can focus on someone who’s already a big star, it’s just much easier to make yourself seem a little bit more relevant.”

And when Contessa was asked what advice she would give Buffie for her first reunion, she said, “Just be her authentic self. I think this season I’ve seen this rollercoaster person and I just don’t know who she is like that’s the challenging part of this thing. I think it’s hard to be herself. Whoever she is, hopefully, she’ll show it today.”

Also, it appears Heavenly and Quad may have the same opinions. Quad spoke on someone being used as a mouthpiece, and Heavenly has already said she believes Mariah Huq placed a battery in Buffie’s back on her After Show.

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