On the latest episode of “Power Book II: Ghost,” Tariq continues to be a target for Maclean and Saxe. Now that the two men know that Tariq is the one who killed Ghost, they are focused on getting Tasha out of prison. To do this, they will need the right jury and the right witness.
When it comes to the jury, both agree that they will need as many people of color as they can find possible. This way Tasha will have jurors more empathetic to her story.
As far as the witness is concerned, they decide it’s time to convince 2 Bit to take the stand. At first, he refuses. He is determined to never be a snitch. But after Rodriguez and Maclean explain that testifying will make him a free man and Tommy doesn’t have to be sacrificed, 2 Bit agrees.
However, 2 Bit’s testimony brings Tariq back into play. Tasha doesn’t notice yet that it’s her son who has become the new target. And both Saxe and Maclean know he’s the true killer.
Meanwhile, Cane takes things way too far. Not only does he kidnap Brayden and his fraternity brother, but he gets violent with Monet. So Lorenzo is forced to make a tough call.
Here’s a recap for, “Good vs Evil.”
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